So, sort of a counter part to the other thread I made, and inspired by my recent true crime reading spree...
If you are willing to share, what is the most terrifying experience(s) you've had to endure in life?
Have you ever had a near death experience? A gun pointed at you? A knife? Stabbed? Shot at? Robbed at home, at work? In an accident that you thought was going to cost you your life, or nearly as bad as that?
I'll post up a thing or two a bit later if this thread gets any traction. Thankfully, I've never been in too bad of a situation, but have been in some scary situations where I could have died.. but you could count those incidents on less than one hand. Not my idea of fun, lol.
Sooo... what do ya got for me, TMMAC?
PS: Glad in advance that you're still alive and kickin
If you are willing to share, what is the most terrifying experience(s) you've had to endure in life?
Have you ever had a near death experience? A gun pointed at you? A knife? Stabbed? Shot at? Robbed at home, at work? In an accident that you thought was going to cost you your life, or nearly as bad as that?
I'll post up a thing or two a bit later if this thread gets any traction. Thankfully, I've never been in too bad of a situation, but have been in some scary situations where I could have died.. but you could count those incidents on less than one hand. Not my idea of fun, lol.
Sooo... what do ya got for me, TMMAC?
PS: Glad in advance that you're still alive and kickin