when we'd do 'Exercises' I was usually on the "Wolf Pack" because of my prior training and clearance. I was doing some incursion planning with a salty Marine, and he made a joke about "Gatorade Eye Wash"...guys like to put Gatorade in their canteens, but you're supposed to use your canteen water as an emergency eye wash. Most people forget about that rule. So if he found a guy with a sports drink in his canteen, he'd hand the guy a card that said "your mask leaked, perform an emergency eye wash"
OMFG, I had so much fun with that bit. It never got old. The smart ones would just shrug and be like "nope" and then you tell them they're dead and make their friends haul the body to away and do that whole dance. But sometimes you'd get someone new enough or dumb enough to try...pure comedy gold.