Stick around, there have been a few dramas like I'm sure hit every site but I could count on one hand who I dislike here.I'm not your friend, buddeh! It's still the internet though and people on the internet get riled up over a lot of stuff. I definitely noticed there's a more relaxed atmosphere than SD though. However, I am new here and it's always better to be more cautious and feel things out at first. It's not really that I'm afraid of people getting butthurt or something, I just want to maximize the experience for myself.
I remember when Michael was fresh off TUF and people were getting their knickers twisted over the smallest things. I genuinely was kinda baffled by it as his shit talking never stood out as that offensive to me, but I soon realized it was a mainly Murican sensitivity thing.
Since MMA being behind closed doors snd us not being able to go out to bars with friends etc and have to watch at home...the ply by plays on here in the cagesie live thread is a gem. Get involved, S.