so on saturday i drop my car off to get my winter tires done and i leave the guy my keys and walk off to get a coffee. i come around the corner and look up at this sign and im like wtf when did they put a starbucks here? i take a second look and it is a starbuds compassion club that just opened up in my little white bread mountain town. i poke my head inside and there is no one in there. so i yell hey whats going on in here and 2 dudes come out of the back and are like hey dude welcome to our store we just opened up 4 days i shot the shit with them for a while and took a tour of the store.they had a lot of edibles and concentrates but only a few kinds of flower. i picked up a eighth of white castle sativa and filled out some membership papers. today i went back and picked up some green crack and scout master. i will post some pics after the AMA is over.this place is literally 3 mins away from my house and they are going to open a vapour lounge