@Fingers and
@Confused Confucius I like you both. Even though the latter is afraid to hold babies.
You guys just seem like you're having a miscommunication and could probably squash this pretty easily.
@Fingers go easy on the drink. It's unfortunate how much we have to pink you. And one day it'll be unfortunate that we have to remember the times you were here. I much rather never get to that point.
Appreciate that splints.
I like what you have here. Said that from the start.
It's unfortunate you have been led down a hole where you think my drinking is something you feel the need to comment on.
I generally get pinked on quite vacuous charges.
I've never complained. I put it down to cultural differences. I do not attack anyone without recourse.
But as Ive said to Leigh. When the inevitable ban hammer comes I won't try and trick my way back in as someone that's not me.
I'm just like the littlest hobo.
Maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down. Until tomorrow I'll just keep moving oooon.
It would be nice to make it here till November. But who knows anything anymore.
All good things come to an end. I'd love to be here in November mind.
But I won't change.