Feast or Famine with Chicks

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Active Member
Oct 20, 2015
So, for years I was terrible at getting chicas, no self confidence and standard too high.

Then I got over it, and have been with several women in the last few months. Some not up to my previous standards, but somehow, when Im in the mood, and they are naked, it doesnt matter

Dana is a crazy chick I used to date, she has become an escort and gotten into drugs. We have messed around a few times in the last few months, for some reason, now that I dont care, she wants to give me the sexy time on a regular basis

Wednesday night she came by, was doing cocaine, and we banged it out for hours. At one point, we went to her car outside to get her another pack of cigs (I live on a big property in the country ) and I ended up doing the deed right there by the drive way between our cars. It was midnight so I didnt think anyone saw us

Today, I get off work early, stop at the store to get some beer, and a nasty hooker comes on to me. No biggie, I talk to her, get my stuff, then leave and go home. As I pull up at the hacienda, the chick next door yells out to me , and ask me about the girl I had over (Dana), and tells me she is about to leave the guy she is living with ( a real scumbag). And asks if she can come over on my next day off, Wednesday, and party some, while she is touching me and complimenting me on how good looking Dana is and how she likes my body

So, after so long not getting much sex at all, within three months not only am I getting laid, but the hottie next door is coming on to me , Dana is chasing me, and several random women are giving me signals

I am not a great looking guy, but it is funny how once I stopped chasing women, and accepted whatever came to me, there are more than I want knocking at my door (metaphorically speaking)


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Its different today with POF and tinder. Should never be a slow time for chicks, just a slow time for chicks you will let your friends meet.


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
My dad always told me... "Pussy you pass up is pussy you'll never get". I took that advice and ran with it. I just wish Tinder was around when I was single :(


Active Member
Oct 20, 2015
My dad always told me... "Pussy you pass up is pussy you'll never get". I took that advice and ran with it. I just wish Tinder was around when I was single :(
yea, I was told once , in 1990, by a redneck, "If you dont get the pussy, you aint the pussy getter" (hope that is ok for this forum). I should have listened to him...............


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
My dad always told me... "Pussy you pass up is pussy you'll never get". I took that advice and ran with it. I just wish Tinder was around when I was single :(
ME TOO.... Then I became single. It's like shooting fish in a barrel, even for my ugly mug


Active Member
Oct 20, 2015
What I have found is...if the chick is cool, her looks become secondary once you get her naked


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
There is some fucking trickery though with some of the photos. Some of these chicks should be professional photographers.


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
There is some fucking trickery though with some of the photos. Some of these chicks should be professional photographers.
You have to take the good with the bad. I have had some awfull dates with meatbombs that were ugly as sin. Still let them give me head tho. Been single of and on for 14 years. Datingnis one thing that has changed for the good.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
What I have found is...if the chick is cool, her looks become secondary once you get her naked
I find that chicks that are cool and when naked have big juggs, looks don't really matter


I swear to gawd, the only time women show any interest in me is when I am in the frame of mind that won't allow me to talk to them at all. The instant I show any interest and then it's the run-around and the circus comes to town...


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I'd probably find a way to ditch the crazy, coke whore. You're begging for trouble there.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
I swear to gawd, the only time women show any interest in me is when I am in the frame of mind that won't allow me to talk to them at all. The instant I show any interest and then it's the run-around and the circus comes to town...
Women, typically speaking, do not like to be ignored if they feel like you should be paying attention to them.


Aug 29, 2015
This is a fairly common experience. When you're too self conscious and insecure, no body really wants to hang around that...but once you develop a bit of self worth and confidence, it shows and people will notice. There is nothing sexier than someone who can handle their own business (and maybe their's too, if that's what they're looking for). Just be careful not to get too caught up. When I was coming out of my shell like this, I found that I still fell pretty hard for the ladies so I had to take a step back and realize that I'll do just fine being single. It would suck, I'd be sad and I definitely don't want to loose my current GF, but if something did happen, life goes on. :)
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Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
This is a fairly common experience. When you're too self conscious and insecure, no body really wants to hang around that...but once you develop a bit of self worth and confidence, it shows and people will notice. There is nothing sexier than someone who cna handle their own business (and maybe their's too, if that's what they're looking for). Just be careful not to get too caught up. When I was coming out of my shell like this, I found that I still fell pretty hard for the ladies so I had to take a step back and realize that I'll do just fine being single. It would suck, I'd be sad and I definitely don't want to loose my current GF, but if something did happen, life goes on. :)
We share a common view and experiences. I always had confidence issues until I met my wife.....not major, but enough to fall hard for the wrong chicks. I think once you are confident it works so much better.


Aug 29, 2015
We share a common view and experiences. I always had confidence issues until I met my wife.....not major, but enough to fall hard for the wrong chicks. I think once you are confident it works so much better.
Here here...I consciously kept telling myself to not get too caught up too soon... funny thing was my current GF moved in after only 3 months (her lease was up and her roommates didn't want to renew) but we had an agreement that if it didn't work out, no hard feelings. I had an extra bedroom so she could have always stayed there until she needed to find another place (I owned the home so I wasn't leaving). It did take her a few years to fully unpack her boxes just in case but I simply didn't make an issue out of that stuff. I stopped getting jealous or obsessed with knowing where she was etc, I simply let her live her life the way she wanted and if I was included in her journey, then I was willing to include her in mine.
Apr 3, 2015
my entire life I have had to beat women off with a stick. no shit, I am not great at many things, and I dont look overly attractive imo, but everywhere we go I am letting bitches down. my wife says its because of my confidence, charm and charisma. which could be true, whatever it is, chicks love me. and I love them haha!


Active Member
Oct 20, 2015
I'd probably find a way to ditch the crazy, coke whore. You're begging for trouble there.
yea, we only get together about once a month or less. We have been through the crazy phase, and it got ugly. We both realize that we are only good in short doses for one night