General Splinty and other Anti-Vaxxers get in here

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member 3289

People who have a few (sometimes just one) days of congestion and feeling bad come in asking for antibiotics all the time.
They are often under the misguided belief that they will make them feel better. They also have a variety of symptoms that they have been told by others indicate the need for antibiotics such as yellow snot instead of clear.
I've heard Z packs help with colds. Not to kill the virus obviously but with something else?


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
The economics of medicine are so frustrating with stuff like this.
Someone sees me. I take the time I don't have to tell them they don't need antibiotics. That counseling takes more time than just writing a script. It's a virus. Antibiotics just gonna give diarrhea, etc.
They leave my office, they are sure they need antibiotics and go to a local urgent care that promptly gives them antibiotics because of the lack of continuity of care and just trying to move patients along. Patient is refinforced that they "needed" antibiotics. Their cold clears up in 5-7 days just like it always would. They believe the antibiotics helped. I'm the bad doctor in their mind. They tell others not to go to me since I obviously don't know what I'm doing.

More time, more effort, more penalty to do the right thing.
Less time, less effort, reward to do the wrong thing.

Same goes with vaccines, imaging, you name it. Patients drive the ship and outside of changing payment models I don't really know how to fix this while maintaining a healthy patient autonomy (which is important).
Same people who stop taking them after 2 days because they feel better. Lol

We are experiencing the same type of thing with covid patients. "Why aren't y'all doing something?!" "You are just going to let him lay here and die."

You have to explain that more isn't always better toward the final outcome.

One of my recent covid patient's orders at hour 19 in ER. (Never mind that I had to hunt the hospitalist 3 times to get just these orders.)


Lol , that's it. That's all the orders that I could get.

Lukewarm Carl

TMMAC Addict
Aug 7, 2015
Same people who stop taking them after 2 days because they feel better. Lol

We are experiencing the same type of thing with covid patients. "Why aren't y'all doing something?!" "You are just going to let him lay here and die."

You have to explain that more isn't always better toward the final outcome.

One of my recent covid patient's orders at hour 19 in ER. (Never mind that I had to hunt the hospitalist 3 times to get just these orders.)


Lol , that's it. That's all the orders that I could get.
Was the Xanax for you?


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Was the Xanax for you?
Lol, it should have been.

It actually helped though!

He was freaking out saying he couldn't breathe. His oxygen had been titrated up to 5L oxygen nasal cannula (that another nurse had done and didn't report it to me, grrrrrr). When I assessed and called the doctor, as an afterthought I mentioned to him that I wasn't sure but some of it seemed to be anxiety. I normally steer away from assuming it's anxiety. Everybody freaks out when they can't breathe. I'm glad I did because after I gave him xanax I was able to titrate him back down to 2L within an hour and he was resting comfortably at 95% sats hours later.

member 1013

Same people who stop taking them after 2 days because they feel better. Lol

We are experiencing the same type of thing with covid patients. "Why aren't y'all doing something?!" "You are just going to let him lay here and die."

You have to explain that more isn't always better toward the final outcome.

One of my recent covid patient's orders at hour 19 in ER. (Never mind that I had to hunt the hospitalist 3 times to get just these orders.)


Lol , that's it. That's all the orders that I could get.
Did you save their life?