What Makes this site run so smooth?

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Teen Gohan

TMMAC Top Team
Oct 19, 2015
Is it splintys smarts? Was there a glitch in the matrix? Did God himself help???

This site runs smoother than a baby's bottom, it might be smoother than my grandmothers handspun milkshakes.

I need answers!!!


Amateur Fighter
Oct 21, 2015
XenForo bro.... Those guys took vBulletin and put it on a Tren cycle with a DBol kicker.

Hired Gun

If You Only Knew What I Dooooo
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
The gears are kept lubricated from the tears of all the posters over theres daily struggle.


Feb 22, 2015
Be interested to see the traffic we occur here in the next six months. But splinty and iWei are doing a great job.

Deleted member 1

Site is built on a modern core. Especially it uses things like JavaScript AJAX refreshes to make changes.
So when you reply or something like that, the entire page doesn't have to refresh.

The site also uses entirely responsive design to auto size to device.

We've made alot of changes on top of that custom as well as 3rd party modifications.

Thanks for feedback mate.


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Site is built on a modern core. Especially it uses things like JavaScript AJAX refreshes to make changes.
So when you reply or something like that, the entire page doesn't have to refresh.

The site also uses entirely responsive design to auto size to device.

We've made alot of changes on top of that custom as well as 3rd party modifications.

Thanks for feedback mate.
What are the DB credentials?


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
I think it's the new Xeon CPU's that run on glitter and white heterosexual unicorn cum.


I'm just here for the rumham
Aug 4, 2015
Lots and lots of lube on the back end, makes the whole experience....real smooth


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2015
Site is built on a modern core. Especially it uses things like JavaScript AJAX refreshes to make changes.
So when you reply or something like that, the entire page doesn't have to refresh.

The site also uses entirely responsive design to auto size to device.

We've made alot of changes on top of that custom as well as 3rd party modifications.

Thanks for feedback mate.
Baloney! Love is the answer. This site runs on love! ❤❤

Balls Mahoney

Active Member
Oct 29, 2015
Like I posted in the welcome new members thread, I'm posting on an original iPad, it always crashes and especially when people post lots of gifs and videos. On the OG I'd always have to sign in all over again just to crash a minute later.
I crash here too but something amazing happened when I tried to log back in.....
I didn't log back in, it just put me on the last page I was on.

I'm really impressed and wanna say a huge thank you to the top men on this super sexy sites of web!

You guys have balls, and I have balls, let's get some balls together guys.

Tyler Durden

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise
Oct 25, 2015
Site is built on a modern core. Especially it uses things like JavaScript AJAX refreshes to make changes.
So when you reply or something like that, the entire page doesn't have to refresh.

The site also uses entirely responsive design to auto size to device.

We've made alot of changes on top of that custom as well as 3rd party modifications.

Thanks for feedback mate.
imagine having a top guy actually care to deign to give you response.....