General North Texas is getting lake effect snow.

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Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Based on the rest of their building codes, I'm guessing 4 inches.
I grew up in the Midwest and did building trades work through high school and college. I’m no expert, but I’ve seen how houses should be built. It blows my mind when I see how haphazardly some shit is built here....things that would never fly or pass code in many other places.

I’m my area the bedrock is very shallow and there is very little natural soil (often 6inches or less). Utilities like waterlines need trenches cut straight into the bedrock, and for water it’s usually 2-3feet deep for the main line along the street. Shallower in yards where the service line comes off of the main and goes to the house. Waterline in my front yard off of the main is probably only 12-18 inches deep. I’ve seen a lot of utilities get installed, and it’s kind of crazy sometimes when you see how it’s done and who is doing the work. There’s always someone on site who knows how things should be done, but then you have the guys actually doing the work. And many love to cut corners wherever they can when boss ain’t looking.

my house is on a giant concrete slab and that sits right on the bedrock. Fortunately my lines are in the slab underneath my house. But it is fairly common for houses to have utilities in there attic. Water lines, water heater, etc. Thankfully I only have dry utilities above in my house. I’m starting to hear horror stories from all around town because of broken lines flooding from above.
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Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Rolling blackouts are canceled for the time being
Awesome. We got power back last night, but have no water now. On to the next challenge! I’m boiling snow now haha. I went out and played in my truck a bit the other day, just because I have missed playing in snow. But I haven’t needed to go anywhere yet. Grocery stores all have multi hour wait times apparently. And pick up options are already booked through next week. Fucking madness. Just like when Covid hit, but now we had inclement weather mixed in. It’s stunning how unprepared many were for anything like this. And many of them have zero clue what to do.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Awesome. We got power back last night, but have no water now. On to the next challenge! I’m boiling snow now haha. I went out and played in my truck a bit the other day, just because I have missed playing in snow. But I haven’t needed to go anywhere yet. Grocery stores all have multi hour wait times apparently. And pick up options are already booked through next week. Fucking madness. Just like when Covid hit, but now we had inclement weather mixed in. It’s stunning how unprepared many were for anything like this. And many of them have zero clue what to do.
Watch where those Huskies go and don't you boil no yellow snow.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
Crazy that all this madness is going down and there's no snow even on the ground

I suspect it's because there's no snow on the ground... you start thawing and bursting pipes and you've got water leaking on wires and fixtures as the power comes back on. At least that's my guess.

Or space heaters are a common culprit too.


Nov 14, 2019
Cruz was only accompanying his family to Cancun.

He's on his way back now.

Why are you guys so cynical?