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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
They are all caught up in the "my side/your side" bullshit.

It's no longer about what's best for the people.
Yeah you say that, but the reality is, I can give you example after example after example of how both sides are clearly NOT equally dangerous to American democracy itself, but you'll come back with no specific counter-examples and just keep repeating that they're both the same. I don't think there's any chance that you'll address the nationwide press for voter suppression, or the purging of anyone at a state level who will do what Pence did on January 6, which is to vote to certify an election result where the Republican loses.

Look man, absinthe and beer are both alcohol, both poisons, both the same right?

Fill one wine bottle with beer and one with absinthe. In the next hour, I'll drink a wine bottle full of 5% alcohol beer and you drink a wine bottle of 70% alcohol absinthe. Still the same? Both just the same size bottle of booze, right?


member 1013

I haven't met her, but apparently she's surprisingly stunning IRL. But a lot of that comes from her charisma, I'm told. Mate of mine met her at an event and chit-chatted with her for a minute or two, reckons she's one of those people who looks right into your eyes and makes you feel like you have their full and complete attention and that they give a shit and are interested in what you're saying. ?

I hate horse mouth on chicks. Her voice is a turn off too but that might just be the accent.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
For requiring ID's?
Give me a fucking break.
For throttling voting by mail, for completely poisoning the discourse and the public trust in the integrity of the vote by a non-stop avalanche of lies, for taking away polling stations and drop boxes, for not allowing non-violent drug felons to vote, for installing state and county level electors who openly promise to refuse to certify a Republican loss, etc etc etc.......



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
For throttling voting by mail, for completely poisoning the discourse and the public trust in the integrity of the vote by a non-stop avalanche of lies, for taking away polling stations and drop boxes, for not allowing non-violent drug felons to vote, for installing state and county level electors who openly promise to refuse to certify a Republican loss, etc etc etc.......


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Yep...... see? I mean I'm not mad, but realistically there's not much chance that any of you "both sides" guys are going to engage with any of that. Because very quickly, it becomes too obvious that "both sides" isn't actually the case at all. That will become very apparent after the midterms or 2024, depending on results, particularly the House and Senate next year. But by then, it'll be too late. None of us here have seen the American political system at a crisis point like this in our lifetimes.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
For example, Trump's chief of staff sent an email to the acting Attorney General with a YouTube video alleging that Italian satellites had manipulated voting equipment and changed votes and cost Trump the election. The White House Chief of Staff wanted the Attorney General to send that to the Supreme Court as evidence that they should nullify Biden's win. That's how deep the crazy has gotten. It's crisis point.



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Yep...... see? I mean I'm not mad, but realistically there's not much chance that any of you "both sides" guys are going to engage with any of that. Because very quickly, it becomes too obvious that "both sides" isn't actually the case at all. That will become very apparent after the midterms or 2024, depending on results, particularly the House and Senate next year. But by then, it'll be too late. None of us here have seen the American political system at a crisis point like this in our lifetimes.

I don't care for the vote by mail system. Too difficult to verify who is casting that vote. It has nothing to do with oppression though - I want everyone to have a voice. I just want it to be one voice for one voter.

Verifying ID makes so much sense I don't even like arguing about it.

There was also something about limiting provisions at polling areas. That's an obvious attempt to limit grand buffets and turning polling areas into giant parties - but the narrative got reduced to "they won't let us give an 80 year old grandma a glass of water". For the record: self-serve water stations are still perfectly OK.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I don't care for the vote by mail system. Too difficult to verify who is casting that vote. It has nothing to do with oppression though - I want everyone to have a voice. I just want it to be one voice for one voter.

Verifying ID makes so much sense I don't even like arguing about it.

There was also something about limiting provisions at polling areas. That's an obvious attempt to limit grand buffets and turning polling areas into giant parties - but the narrative got reduced to "they won't let us give an 80 year old grandma a glass of water". For the record: self-serve water stations are still perfectly OK.
The most dangerous thing by far is the installation of electors who will refuse to certify a loss. Trump put tremendous pressure on Pence to not certify Biden's win, and if Pence had buckled, that is a constitutional crisis and civil war right there. But the party is being actively purged of people who are willing to participate in a democracy. People like MTG are the superstars of the GOP now. They are anti-democracy and they are never, ever going to accept an electoral loss without screaming fraud and refusing to concede.


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
I support any bill that makes sense. I don't care who is backing it. Having people still serving time for doing something that is currently legal is moronic.

I'm more moderate than most of you fuckos give me credit for.

its total bullshit that neither obama, trump, or biden didnt immediately pardon who knows how many thousands

and you could maybe make an excuse for obama. but by trump it was ridiculous. and now with biden its assanine that people are still behind bars got marijuana


Commander in @Chief, Dick Army
First 100
Jan 14, 2015

its total bullshit that neither obama, trump, or biden didnt immediately pardon who knows how many thousands

and you could maybe make an excuse for obama. but by trump it was ridiculous. and now with biden its assanine that people are still behind bars got marijuana
What would be the excuse for Obummer?

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
What would be the excuse for Obummer?
i dont think he has an excuse either. but the general sentiment is changing over time. so i just threw in that caveat to be conservative with my attack

past is a sunk cost. main point is that every day that passes is a day that biden is choosing to steal freedom of life from thousands of people


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
For example, Trump's chief of staff sent an email to the acting Attorney General with a YouTube video alleging that Italian satellites had manipulated voting equipment and changed votes and cost Trump the election. The White House Chief of Staff wanted the Attorney General to send that to the Supreme Court as evidence that they should nullify Biden's win. That's how deep the crazy has gotten. It's crisis point.

Trump is a goofball.
He's a bad winner. And a bad loser.


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
Is there do be sexy ladies there?
Plenty that you could find sexy before you talk to them, none that won't either disgust you or bore you to sleep after they've opened their mouth.