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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017

The honeymoon is officially over?

Have we entered "This guy sucks too" mode?
i could be mistaken, but i think that girl is actually a republican voter who works for CNN

shes towes the corporate liberal line most of the time anyway

but what im really getting at is that i bet most of the CNN anchors will always kiss bidens ass because he is the current leader of their corrupt club


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Oh shit, he really has no clue.....
Hmm...Maybe he really does believe that people don't want to work because of the virus and it has nothing to do with the $300 bennie.

I didn't think he was that dense but it's looking like I might be wrong.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
what a douche. he takes offense at the question. someone remind that old piece of shit that he is a servant of the people.
"its not about you, old man.
stop whining and answer the questions."
Trump handled media with 100% times more grace and tact, regardless of how offensive he was to some feels.

We may not like it but the president is an actor people elect to show strength...most policy isn't actually dictated by them, but their donors and behind the scene do gooders.

"We" "elected" a super low IQ(at this time) man with zero credibility in his 50 year political career who apparently is a complete train wreck when off script.

To be honest it is just a really really bad look.

Almost like somebody is throwing the game.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Trump handled media with 100% times more grace and tact, regardless of how offensive he was to some feels.

We may not like it but the president is an actor people elect to show strength...most policy isn't actually dictated by them, but their donors and behind the scene do gooders.

"We" "elected" a super low IQ(at this time) man with zero credibility in his 50 year political career who apparently is a complete train wreck when off script.

To be honest it is just a really really bad look.

Almost like somebody is throwing the game.
im going to have to disagree with you, bro

noy trying to be rude here, so take this with a grain of salt and forgive me after lol

but if you think trump handled the press with grace, then youre seeing trump with rose-colored glasses. cause biden is a ridiculously over-emotional cry-baby ... yet even biden seems like an adult compared to pity-party trump

another hot topic right now is biden being weak to putin compared to trump lol

people seem to be forgetting or pretending that trump didnt get turned super beta in that putin presser (he went on record as saying he trusts putin, but not his own U.S. intelligence reports lol. embarassing)

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
im going to have to disagree with you, bro

noy trying to be rude here, so take this with a grain of salt and forgive me after lol

but if you think trump handled the press with grace, then youre seeing trump with rose-colored glasses. cause biden is a ridiculously over-emotional cry-baby ... yet even biden seems like an adult compared to pity-party trump

another hot topic right now is biden being weak to putin compared to trump lol

people seem to be forgetting or pretending that trump didnt get turned super beta in that putin presser (he went on record as saying he trusts putin, but not his own U.S. intelligence reports lol. embarassing)
haha, I don't care about disagreeing...I knew that my claim would rustle jimmies, yours included

I see a man with zero composure or original thought, he can barely read the cue cards. Any original content ends up being a disaster of PR.

Trump did make a mockery of media coverage of politics, because Media coverage of politics deserved mocking...It is, and has been a joke.

Biden is weak tho, could be tossed on his head in a split second by Vlad...and could be ambushed by a coffee cup at any time(do you get this film reference?)

We run dumbfucks with no integrity, that is what we do. I just know the reality TV guy had lots of slick set ups and burns on the bought and paid for media, and that was what I consider handling them with grace and tact.

Joe just forgets what he was thinking...Mumbles a lil bit...or loses his temper and tells black people they aren't black, or calls then dog faced pony soldiers...His idea of being cool is telling creepy stories that have no bearing on what he is supposed to be is a far bigger shitshow and even more shameful than his predecessors.

I know your much more passionate about this stuff than I, so don't take any of those comments as an attack. I find it all ridiculous, have since 2000.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
heres my issue with this, ser. shes a bitch. shes fueling the hate for "her americans" versus "other" americans, which ironically, is exactly what someone like putin also does

its not like biden told him 16 top-secret infratructure systems

he probably said something like "dont fuck with our pipelines, emergency alert system, military bases, post office, air traffic control, etc or you will fuckin pay"

lauren knows her tweet serves no true purpose aside from division

i wish scum like her didnt exist

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
heres my issue with this, ser. shes a bitch. shes fueling the hate for "her americans" versus "other" americans, which ironically, is exactly what someone like putin also does

its not like biden told him 16 top-secret infratructure systems

he probably said something like "dont fuck with our pipelines, emergency alert system, military bases, post office, air traffic control, etc or you will fuckin pay"

lauren knows her tweet serves no true purpose aside from division

i wish scum like her didnt exist
It's just depressing, how vile they are and how easily people swallow their bullshit.

What are the chances that Jason73 had anything to say when Trump met alone with Putin for two hours - with no other Americans present except the translator - and then confiscated the translators notes so there is no record of what they talked about?

Biden does that, and what happens?



Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014