Made out. Sucked tit. Nothing else.Have you ever messed around with a girl? If yes what happened?
Spanked, yes. No to choking...Do you enjoy being choked or slapped? Or a combination of both?
I just like cute animals.Why do you like cats so much?
Because you make me laugh and you don't judge me.Why do you like me so much?
Honestly, neither do I. I should go back in my message history and see.How did we meet? I don't remember?
Sigh, I don't know.Talk about something that would shock me about yourself that I don't know. I know more about you than anyone here I'm sure.
Letting someone else control and dictate my life for six years.What is the single biggest regret in life you have?
Gigantic. At least 11".If you were a guy how big do you think your penis would be?
Having a baby via c-section and the nurse not giving me any pain meds on day two ("I don't give them out. Deal with it") and walking across the maternity ward to the NICU with my stomach killing me. Fuck it, I wanted to be with my kid.What is the most physically demanding thing you have ever done?
How did it change you?
What is the most mentally demanding thing you have ever done?
How did it change you?
What is the most emotionally/spiritually demanding thing you have ever done?
How did it change you?
Ronda and Matt Mitrione because he invited me to hang out with him since I told him I work by Jaco, lol.who's your favorite mma fighter...guy and girl?
show me a pic of your celebrity crush. guy and girl
Honestly, I don't know. I kind of like where I am now and think undoing the past would change that.What is the one thing you did in your past that you wish you could undo?
Go to school and not worry about money.What is the one thing you did as a child that you wish you could still do?