Allegation against POS Rupert Murdoch
Wolff wrote that Murdoch's son Lachlan, the CEO of Fox Corporation, got a call from the network's election-data operation shortly after 11 p.m. ET on election night saying it was ready to declare Arizona for Biden.
The Murdochs — who spearhead a vast right-wing media empire — had "every reason" to delay calling Arizona at the time, given Fox's steadfast allegiance to Trump and the fact that no other network had made the call yet.
"Lachlan got his father on the phone to ask if he wanted to make the early call.
His father, with signature grunt, assented, adding, 'Fuck him"
After the network decided to call Arizona for Biden, Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer called Trump's lead social-media strategist, Jason Miller, to let him know the network was going to call Arizona for Biden.
"Miller involuntarily rose from his seat. 'What the fuck?' he said out loud, looking around and seeing the still-merry and untroubled faces in the Map Room" of Trump campaign staffers and insiders who believed they were on the fast-track to reelection.
Hemmer replied: "That's what they're doing. That's what they're going with."
"Who?" Miller asked.
"The election desk," Hemmer said, adding that the network's decision was going to be aired imminently.
As soon as Fox News made the call, Trump's campaign shifted into damage control to contain the fallout from the president's rage.
"What the fuck? How can they call this?" Trump said. "We're winning. And everybody can see we are going to win. Everybody's calling to say that we're winning. And then they pull this?"