What you think they are bruv
They are specifically referred to as TR-3B or some shit...I don't know what they are...I don't even know if they are legit or the video is fake.
Been seeing videos about them things for years and years, pretty obvious push of this craft for whatever reason
Possibly all propaganda, possibly legit craft either foreign or domestic.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVo9yUq9KY0&t=17s
Private military tech is likely 20-30+ years ahead of what is publicly acknowledged...No reason for the masses to know about the best advances in Tech for obvious reasons.
Project Blue Beam?
Corbell seems like a plant...MSM FOX CNN CNBC *Insert propagandist here* are all dogshit
I would say the best UFO is the one you see with your own eyes
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