member 3289
I would.I mean, you wouldn't respect my beliefs if I really, genuinely believed that Game of Thrones...real historical fact.
I would.I mean, you wouldn't respect my beliefs if I really, genuinely believed that Game of Thrones...real historical fact.
Obviously.That just means they still have it. Its not a different thing.
Do you respect Islam's stance on homosexuality or blasphemy, and the punishment dictated for either of them?
No, you don't.
Clinging to obviously nonsense, primitive fairy tales simply because you lack the intellectual honesty or bravery or ability to question them, is not anything to be applauded. It's not "courage" - it's cowardice because it means that you lack the intellectual honesty to reckon with the real world. I doubt you say "hats off to flat earthers" - what's the difference?
Not even trying to be a dick - it just confuses me when I hear intelligent people say "clearly the Abrahamaic religions are primitive nonsense...... but in the 21st Century, I find it admirable to disregard objective reality in favour of ridiculous Iron Age fantasy."
I mean, you wouldn't respect my beliefs if I really, genuinely believed that Game of Thrones or Star Wars or the Lord of the Rings were real historical fact. You'd just think I was a delusional nut, and fair enough. Why is it that if I stop talking about intelligent teddy bears and the Force and little green telekinetic aliens, and start talking about talking snakes and the sun pausing in the sky to give a band of plucky rebels an extra-long afternoon so they could win an important battle...... why is it that you respect the one, and think I'm a nut for genuinely believing in the other?
Lol @ this false analogy.Omg tornado warning just went off.
We've been advised to get vaccinated ASAP.
like what?If you're wondering@Boss Godfrey "excess deaths" have way too many attached variables for me to have a serious discussion about them.
Ties to Big Pharma and to the Vaccine Agenda go hand in hand with the gain of function research virus leak/intentional release.Thats pretty clear.
My question is why aren't we prosecuting those involved and
sentencing them for negligence and mass murder or manslaughter?
Can't speak on much of the conspiracy stuff but I'm well versed in Theology and history.
Whats funny is that Homo Sapiens have walked the earth some 250,000 years or
more and lived just fine, with no regard whatsoever with the dogma of 666/616 for the
vast majority of the chronology of humanity.
Much of the Bible is crafted from older cultures and text so I tend not to take anything
seriously from it
Some examples tof he trail and evidnce of the Bible writers crafting their work from
Nile Valley systems of spirituality during their stay in Egypt.
Here's the original story of the "Forbidden Fruit"
Only its the Ntr Maat (spirit of nature) giving the fruit of knowledge to Pharaoh so he may
rule the thrown in wisdom. Written in stone centuries before Moses arrived in Egypt
and was raised and taught by Pharaohs daughters.
View attachment 41721
Here is the original Tree of Knowledge relief in the Pyramid text again in stone and
centuries before the Bible and Moses arrival
View attachment 41722
Here is the original relief of God fashioning man from clay on the potters wheel.
Only its the Egyptian God Khnum... again centuries before the Bible writes it was Jehovah
View attachment 41723
Earliest known reference of the phrase "King of Kings, Lord of Lords" is the Papyrus of Ani
View attachment 41724
I do respect everyones religious believes but I can't take the Bible seriously on a personal level.
Hats off to anyone who does though. Thats a level of faith I don't have the courage nor conviction to stand in
Anyway, continue on fellas...
Man, humanity is fubar. I really don't like to believe that humans are such assholesTies to Big Pharma and to the Vaccine Agenda go hand in hand with the gain of function research virus leak/intentional release.
Fauci is connected to so much fuckery our heads would spin clean off.
Lol @ this false analogy.
Tell me you have zero understanding of hurricane preparedness without telling me you have zero understanding of hurricane preparedness.
"Ancient" Hebrew is not even ancient. Its barely 3,000 years old. Its literally a "baby language"This is not even close to fact. The is college opin free from textual theological study of ancient Hebrew, which FAR predates the Pyramids themselves or any Egyptian structure, writings or hieroglyphs , save the city of Ur or Enoch(son of Cain, not Jared), which have no lasting archaeological remnants referring to date, or specific location in Enoch's case.
This story was not the foundation for "the Bible".
The Torah, aka book of Moses(Moshe) aka Genesis-Deuteronomy span 2000 years and was a compilation of massive amounts of previous text lost long ago, usually by cultures(like the Egyptians) who wanted to raise their gods(ra, horus, etc.) above YHWH.
And it was written in second "generation" Hebrew, which spanned a specifically unknown time period.
But original Hebrew's only relatively close inscripture date is Chinese sticks, basically.
Then it simply comes down to what someone believes, usualyy dependent on whether their eyes are slanted or not.
But these commonly taught reverse-origin stories are just that.
there is something wrong with you and wrong with how you thinkThis is not even close to fact. The is college opin free from textual theological study of ancient Hebrew, which FAR predates the Pyramids themselves or any Egyptian structure, writings or hieroglyphs , save the city of Ur or Enoch(son of Cain, not Jared), which have no lasting archaeological remnants referring to date, or specific location in Enoch's case.
This story was not the foundation for "the Bible".
The Torah, aka book of Moses(Moshe) aka Genesis-Deuteronomy span 2000 years and was a compilation of massive amounts of previous text lost long ago, usually by cultures(like the Egyptians) who wanted to raise their gods(ra, horus, etc.) above YHWH.
And it was written in second "generation" Hebrew, which spanned a specifically unknown time period.
But original Hebrew's only relatively close inscripture date is Chinese sticks, basically.
Then it simply comes down to what someone believes, usualyy dependent on whether their eyes are slanted or not.
But these commonly taught reverse-origin stories are just that.
Nuremberg 2,0 is attempting that, but this is a global long-talked about New World Order effort.My question is why aren't we prosecuting those involved and
sentencing them for negligence and mass murder or manslaughter?
That's good, another time as I don't have that kind at the moment, but what you're saying is 3000 years old is second generation of 3."Ancient" Hebrew is not even ancient. Its barey 3,000 years old. Its literally a "baby language"
in comparison to others
The Nile Valley goes back some 10-15K years.
The Pyramids are 1,000s of years older then Hebrew
The hebrews certainly don't have any structures, nor text older then classical Nile Valley
The very language itself is to young to even compare to texts and reliefs 3-5K years befofre
its creation
Cite your references and we can have this discussion
are you legit crazy ?Nuremberg 2,0 is attempting that, but this is a global long-talked about New World Order effort.
The good guys are not in charge, and mankind isn't inherently good.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely and is entirely self-serving.
Most are in the same club because most serve the same demon.
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil, these trillionaires believe the earth needs 500,000,000 people, and that's it.
The overpopulation of earth has been propagated as fact, when it's only true so far as the structure by which they live creates the poverty that leads to the innate drive to procreate. When the goal is knowledge rather than survival, the innate desire to procreate diminishes, a factor the elite don't want to take responsibility for or acknowledge. For all we know the 2 billion+ exponential growth that would've happened in Africa/India had Gates and his predecessors not "vaccinated" them, would've invented ways to live and thrive on the oceans, Antarctica, or other planets.
There's only 3 Presidents that held firm against this totalitarian pharmakia(sorcery) global takeover, and they're dead.
It doesn't even take an educated person to deduce this has far more than nefarious from the beginning.
None of it makes any sense until it's realized that it is absolutely the opposite of what it's being sold as.
Do you respect Islam's stance on homosexuality or blasphemy, and the punishment dictated for either of them?
No, you don't.
Clinging to obviously nonsense, primitive fairy tales simply because you lack the intellectual honesty or bravery or ability to question them, is not anything to be applauded. It's not "courage" - it's cowardice, because it means that you prefer comforting lies to harsh truths. I doubt you say "hats off to flat earthers" - what's the difference?
Not even trying to be a dick - it just confuses me when I hear intelligent people say "clearly the Abrahamaic religions are primitive nonsense...... but in the 21st Century, I find it admirable to disregard objective reality in favour of ridiculous Iron Age fantasy."
I mean, you wouldn't respect my beliefs if I really, genuinely believed that Game of Thrones or Star Wars or the Lord of the Rings were real historical fact. You'd just think I was a delusional nut, and fair enough. Why is it that if I stop talking about intelligent teddy bears and the Force and little green telekinetic aliens, and start talking about talking snakes and the sun pausing in the sky to give a band of plucky rebels an extra-long afternoon so they could win an important battle...... why is it that you respect the one, and think I'm a nut for genuinely believing in the other?
In some cases it is as they make claims of "long covid" without ever having a positive test. In other cases where people get covid and have it for a long time, its still just covid. No one gets "long diabetes".Obviously.
I thought you believed it was all in their heads. My bad. Carry on.
Excess deaths means deaths over an expected amount that's it. People gleaning any more information from the stat than that ie, "It must have been covid!" is disingenuous.like what?
i think excess mortality has very few variables...there's dead people, and there's not dead people.
what variability is causing your vexation?
That's good, another time as I don't have that kind at the moment, but what you're saying is 3000 years old is second generation of 3.
First look like heiroglyphic.
3000 years ago is like the book Psalms, a thousand years later.
The Canadian government is running a cover up on the scientistsnis being sued to release info on what they know about the scientists ties to the CCPFauci is dirty and clearly involved
Canadian government was involved and employed 2 of the Wuhan scientists that worked on the shit
One was caught at the border trying to get 21 vials of shit into China
The US was funding Wuhan and still are even after this debacle
A University in Alabama was also involved
I read about that. I even found pictures of one of the Chinese scientists/operativesThe Canadian government is running a cover up on the scientistsnis being sued to release info on what they know about the scientists ties to the CCP
So anyone who didn't get tested ever had the sars-cov 2?In some cases it is as they make claims of "long covid" without ever having a positive test. In other cases where people get covid and have it for a long time, its still just covid. No one gets "long diabetes".
there is something wrong with you and wrong with how you think