Why is this thread inundated with vocal idiocy?
You people haven't paid attention to ANYTHING regarding election fraud in the USA.
And worse, you're not even aware of election fraud in your own, or the practice across the globe to keep the populations subjugated to the .0001% rich cocksuckers.
You're in a thread regarding election fraud, forensic audits are happening all over, and as America falls, so goes the world, yet most of the "leftist" views are busy listening to their own voices rather than learn why these folks believe their election fraud.
That either requires ignorance, arrogance, a low IQ, a low EQ, or combination.
Elections were originally human beings, landowners and taxpayers putting their land to vote.
Now it's a casino.
Do some gawtdamn research on any election, pick one. Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Bolivia, Russia, fucking anywhere you vapid shells.