General So that didn't take long.... AFGHANISTAN

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member 1013

I haven't the faintest clue why anyone is surprised.
I predicted exactly this before it happened.
If trump were prezzy the US would have withdrawn in May and everyone would be singing kumbaya and holding hands by the fire!

member 3289

Losing a war isn't pretty, mete.

You and everyone repeating this talking point act as if the US was capable of being in complete control of the situation, when quite fucking clearly it wasn't. If it was, it wouldn't have lost in the first place.

Biden didn't have the benefit of hindsight. Put on your Captain Hindsight cape and tell everyone your genius alternative plan knowing what we know now. I'm going to bet it's way more retarded than what Joe did, even with hindsight.
"Joe Biden is doing a great job."

- u


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015


Even MSNBC is against Biden.

Also I don't think I've ever watched more than an internet clip of Rachel maddow. Somehow has the same shrill obnoxious cracking voice as Tucker Carlson.
Her and Tucker also share the distinction of successfully arguing in court that it should be impossible to sue them for defamation because no reasonable person would believe them.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015


STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s get right to it. Back in July, you said a Taliban takeover was highly unlikely. Was the intelligence wrong, or did you downplay it?
BIDEN: I think — there was no consensus. If you go back and look at the intelligence reports, they said that it’s more likely to be sometime by the end of the year. The idea that the tal — and then it goes further on, even as late as August. I think you’re gonna see — the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and others speaking about this later today.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I– I think a lot of– a lot of Americans, and a l– even a lot of veterans who served in Afghanistan agree with you on the big, strategic picture. They believe we had to get out. But I wonder how you respond to an Army Special Forces officer, Javier McKay (PH). He did seven tours. He was shot twice. He agrees with you. He says, “We have to cut our losses in Afghanistan.” But he adds, “I just wish we could’ve left with honor.”
BIDEN: Look, that’s like askin’ my deceased son Beau, who spent six months in Kosovo and a year in Iraq as a Navy captain and then major– I mean, as an Army major. And, you know, I’m sure h– he had regrets comin’ out of Afganista– I mean, out of Iraq.
He had regrets to what’s– how– how it’s going. But the idea– what’s the alternative? The alternative is why are we staying in Afghanistan? Why are we there? Don’t you think that the one– you know who’s most disappointed in us getting out? Russia and China. They’d love us to continue to have to–

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you don’t think this could’ve been handled, this exit could’ve been handled better in any way? No mistakes?
BIDEN: No. I– I don’t think it could’ve been handled in a way that there– we– we’re gonna go back in hindsight and look, but the idea that somehow there’s a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don’t know how that happens. I don’t know how that happened.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So for you, that was always priced into the decision?
BIDEN: Yes. Now, exactly what happened– is not priced in. But I knew that they’re gonna have an enormous, enorm– look, one of the things we didn’t know is what the Taliban would do in terms of trying to keep people from getting out, what they would do. What are they doing now? They’re cooperating, letting American citizens get out, American personnel get out, embassies get out, et cetera. But they’re having– we’re having some more difficulty in having those who helped us when we were in there–
STEPHANOPOULOS: And we don’t really know what’s happening outside of Kabul.
BIDEN: Pardon me?
STEPHANOPOULOS: We don’t really know what’s happening outside of Kabul.
BIDEN: Well– we do know generically and in some specificity what’s happening outside of Kabul. We don’t know it in great detail. But we do know. And guess what? The Taliban knows if they take on American citizens or American military, we will strike them back like hell won’t have it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: How about our Afghan allies? We have about 80,000 people–
BIDEN: Well, that’s not the s–
STEPHANOPOULOS: Is that too high?
BIDEN: That’s too high.
BIDEN: The estimate we’re giving is somewhere between 50,000 and 65,000 folks total, counting their families.

STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about our adversaries, China and Russia. You already see China telling Taiwan, “See? You can’t count on the Americans.” (LAUGH)
BIDEN: Sh– why wouldn’t China say that? Look, George, the idea that w– there’s a fundamental difference between– between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in– entities we’ve made agreements with based on not a civil war they’re having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin’ bad things to them.
We have made– kept every commitment. We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with– Taiwan. It’s not even comparable to talk about that.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Yeah, but those–
BIDEN: It’s not comparable to t–
STEPHANOPOULOS: –who say, “Look, America cannot be trusted now, America does not keep its promises–“
BIDEN: Who– who’s gonna say that? Look, before I made this decision, I met with all our allies, our NATO allies in Europe. They agreed. We should be getting out.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Did they have a choice?
BIDEN: Sure, they had a choice. Look, the one thing I promise you in private, NATO allies are not quiet. You remember from your old days. They’re not gonna be quiet. And so– and by the way, you know, what we’re gonna be doing is we’re gonna be putting together a group of the G-7, the folks that we work with the most– to– I was on the phone with– with Angela Merkel today. I was on the phone with the British prime minister. I’m gonna be talking to Macron in France to make sure we have a coherent view of how we’re gonna deal from this point on.

STEPHANOPOULOS: How about the threat to the United States? Most intelligence analysis has predicted that Al Qaeda would come back 18 to 24 months after a withdrawal of American troops. Is that analysis now being revised? Could it be sooner?
BIDEN: It could be. But George, look, here’s the deal. Al Qaeda, ISIS, they metastasize. There’s a significantly greater threat to the United States from Syria. There’s a significantly greater threat from East Africa. There’s significant greater threat to other places in the world than it is from the mountains of Afghanistan. And we have maintained the ability to have an over-the-horizon capability to take them out. We’re– we don’t have military in Syria to make sure that we’re gonna be protected–
STEPHANOPOULOS: And you’re confident we’re gonna have that in Afghanistan?
BIDEN: Yeah. I’m confident we’re gonna have the overriding capability, yes. Look, George, it’s like asking me, you know, am I confident that people are gonna act even remotely rationally. Here’s the deal. The deal is the threat from Al Qaeda and their associate organizations is greater in other parts of the world to the United States than it is from Afghanistan.
STEPHANOPOULOS: And that tells you that you’re– it’s safe to leave?
BIDEN: No. That tells me that– my dad used to have an expression, George. If everything’s equally important to you, nothing’s important to you. We should be focusing on where the threat is the greatest. And the threat — the idea– we can continue to spend $1 trillion and have tens of thousands of American forces in Afghanistan when we have what’s going on around the world, in the Middle East and North Africa and west– I mean, excuse me– yeah, North Africa and Western Africa. The idea we can do that and ignore those– those looming problems, growing problems, is not– not rational.

STEPHANOPOULOS: It sounds like you think we shoulda gotten out a long time ago–
BIDEN: We should’ve.
STEPHANOPOULOS: –and– and accept the idea that it was gonna be messy no matter what.
BIDEN: Well, by the– what would be messy?
BIDEN: If we had gotten out a long time ago– getting out would be messy no matter when it occurred. I ask you, you want me to stay, you want us to stay and send your kids back to Afghanistan? How about it? Are you g– if you had a son or daughter, would you send them in Afghanistan now? Or later?
STEPHANOPOULOS: Would be hard, but a lot of families have done it.
BIDEN: They’ve done it because, in fact, there was a circumstance that was different when we started. We were there for two reasons, George. And we accomplished both ten years ago. We got Osama bin Laden. As I said and got criticized for saying at the time, we’re gonna follow him to the gates of hell. Hell, we did–
STEPHANOPOULOS: How will history judge the United States’ experience in Afghanistan?
BIDEN: One that we overextended what we needed to do to deal with our national interest. That’s like my sayin’ they– they’re– they– they b– b– the border of Tajikistan– and– other– what– does it matter? Are we gonna go to war because of what’s goin’ on in Tajikistan? What do you think?
Tell me what– where in that isolated country that has never, never, never in all of history been united, all the way back to Alexander the Great, straight through the British Empire and the Russians, what is the idea? Are we gonna s– continue to lose thousands of Americans to injury and death to try to unite that country? What do you think? I think not.

I think the American people are with me. And when you unite that country, what do you have? They’re surrounded by Russia in the north or the Stans in the north. You have– to the west, they have Iran. To the south, they have Pakistan, who’s supporting them. And to the– and– actually, the east, they have Pakistan and China. Tell me. Tell me. Is that worth our national interest to continue to spend another $1 trillion and lose thousands more American lives? For what?
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Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
"Joe Biden is doing a great job."

- u
Look fat, you laughed at me when I suggested the Afghan government was in imminent danger of total collapse. And now you turn around and blame Ol' Creepy Sleepy for not anticipating the speed of collapse, when his own intelligence agencies were as ignorant and arrogant as you were.

I only focus on your own lack of self-awareness because it is indicative of the entire narrative. You hold Creepy Sleepy to an idiotic standard, blaming him for making the same 'mistake' you did. In essence for not being an omniscient and omnipotent deity that can control events that were beyond his control.

What is Biden doing wrong now? They've got the Taliban to back off and allow the evacuations to go ahead. That's all that can be expected. Swift defeats and collapses don't proceed in orderly fashion.

Creepy Sleepy has done a great job on this, jack. And you fucking lying, dog-faced pony soldiers need to get off his back or I'm going to slap you around like CornPop.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015








Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Wonder what this guy was saying to and about the anti-war protestors in 2003, when they were saying exactly this (because it was fucking obvious from the start) while cunts like him were all gung-ho for it (as well as for the DHS, NSA, Patriot Act et al.)

Good question

He probably bought the 9.11 was done by OBL narrative and felt justified in the actions the MIC was taking

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Good question

He probably bought the 9.11 was done by OBL narrative and felt justified in the actions the MIC was taking
I guess the anti-war "this is another unwinnable Vietnam" crowd were probably traitors, pussies, Commies, cowards, un-American etc.


Deleted member 1

Losing a war isn't pretty, mete.

You and everyone repeating this talking point act as if the US was capable of being in complete control of the situation, when quite fucking clearly it wasn't. If it was, it wouldn't have lost in the first place.

Biden didn't have the benefit of hindsight. Put on your Captain Hindsight cape and tell everyone your genius alternative plan knowing what we know now. I'm going to bet it's way more retarded than what Joe did, even with hindsight.

I mean I would have thought that starting February 2020 with the peace accord and May 2021 deadline We would have identified those individuals and assets we wished to pull out of the country.
We know that the Taliban is going to come in and slaughter any existing government officials and anybody that put on a afghan military uniform.
We either didn't care or thought some other process would take place which I can't imagine what that would be.

Why were there still staff at the embassy on the last days? Shouldn't they have left safely before the military left? Why was embassy staff having to shred and destroy papers to the last hour?

There's plenty of blame to go around outside of Biden himself. The whole peace accord was negotiated in a way That basically guaranteed the Taliban would rule. There were as many months before the election as after the election to make the above plans.
But regardless the final leaving is on Biden and there seems clearly some things we could have done.
I don't think Trump would have wanted to do those things (evacuating those Afghan individuals that worked closest with us). And I don't think Biden considered them.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I mean I would have thought that starting February 2020 with the peace accord and May 2021 deadline We would have identified those individuals and assets we wished to pull out of the country.
We know that the Taliban is going to come in and slaughter any existing government officials and anybody that put on a afghan military uniform.
We either didn't care or thought some other process would take place which I can't imagine what that would be.

Why were there still staff at the embassy on the last days? Shouldn't they have left safely before the military left? Why was embassy staff having to shred and destroy papers to the last hour?

There's plenty of blame to go around outside of Biden himself. The whole peace accord was negotiated in a way That basically guaranteed the Taliban would rule. There were as many months before the election as after the election to make the above plans.
But regardless the final leaving is on Biden and there seems clearly some things we could have done.
I don't think Trump would have wanted to do those things (evacuating those Afghan individuals that worked closest with us). And I don't think Biden considered them.

An Interesting take. I will ponder this and respond in due haste.