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Nov 21, 2015
Black people have a lower vaccination rate than other races. That's factually correct.
I clearly pointed out that vaccinations were low among black people

Just as I pointed out that they arent the group driving the case rates. Its actually
whites and hispanics.

He tried to deflect and turn it into a racial issue which is a racist tool used in the1900s

Now here we are talking about race instead of adressing covid.

Mission accomplished


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
That might have some validity...... if he hadn't whined in exactly the same fashion about nonexistent "fraud" in the 2016 election that he won, as well as every 2016 primary that he lost.

So no, they weren't. Trump was lying about being the victim of electoral fraud years before covid was a thing. Lying about election theft is just a hardwired facet of his psychology, because to do otherwise would mean publicly admitting that he lost at something. Meaning that he must admit that wasn't actually the best at something. Which he will never, EVER do.

He certainly might have. I can only base observations on what went down. 2020's rise of conspiracy to prominence was all about covid.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I clearly pointed out that vaccinations were low among black people

Just as I pointed out that they arent the group driving the case rates. Its actually
whites and hispanics.

He tried to deflect and turn it into a racial issue which is a racist tool used in the1900s

Now here we are talking about race instead of adressing covid.

Mission accomplished
Because people are choosing to (erroneously) make it about his "blaming" black people. I don't believe he said black people are driving covid cases. He simply pointed out that the GOP is constantly blamed when clearly the DNC house isn't in order.
Nov 21, 2015
Because people are choosing to (erroneously) make it about his "blaming" black people. I don't believe he said black people are driving covid cases. He simply pointed out that the GOP is constantly blamed when clearly the DNC house isn't in order.
That was his intention. Its a well known tactic from the 1900s

Did you actually watch and listen to what he said.

He turned the "Blame" into a racial issue instead of addressing his failed policy issues
and inability to get his states case rates under control.

Black people are not the group driving the case rates in Texas as he tried to blame.

Covid is already a political issue now the fuck wit has brought race into it.

Its disgusting

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
That was his intention. Its a well known tactic from the 1900s

Did you actually watch and listen to what he said.

He turned the "Blame" into a racial issue instead of addressing his failed policy issues
and inability to get his states case rates under control.

Black people are not the group driving the case rates in Texas so why did he mention them?

Covid is already a political issue now the fuck wit has brought race into it.

Its disgusting

I did watch it. I see whats in the video rather than projecting his meaning. To criticize him (literally saying he thinks everyone should get vaccinated) is to ignore that the DNC says only conspiracy morons who are selfish and hate America are unvaccinated. Which message do you think is more damaging?

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
He certainly might have. I can only base observations on what went down. 2020's rise of conspiracy to prominence was all about covid.
He certainly did. That's a pretty clear and well known feature of his personality - that he NEVER admits that anyone else beat him at anything, no matter what. There was absolutely no chance that he would ever have conceded, no matter who beat him or by how much.

Covid was just a convenient excuse for him.

And covid certainly did help the rise in conspiracy bullshit, but it's nowhere near the cause of it. The blame for that goes primarily to Facebook, for tweaking its algorithm to deliberately amplify right wing lies because right wingers tend to LOVE that shit and will spend all fucking day on Facebook clicking on it and posting it to their news feeds. And to the right wing media ecosystem, which has now created its own alternate reality. To the point where a majority of registered Republican voters believe the election was stolen, almost a quarter of them believe Qanon's central tenet that "the government, media and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex-trafficking operation" and around a quarter of them are now so radicalised that they are actively anti-democracy and believe that “because things have gotten so far off track” in the U.S., “true American patriots may have to resort to violence” to save the country.

That's very deeply worrying for the political future of the USA. And it's not a coincidence that one side of the partisan divide is so far removed from reality. The disconnect from reality is frightening. Covid didn't create that, it just accelerated an already well established problem.

Nov 21, 2015
I did watch it. I see whats in the video rather than projecting his meaning. To criticize him (literally saying he thinks everyone should get vaccinated) is to ignore that the DNC says only conspiracy morons who are selfish and hate America are unvaccinated. Which message do you think is more damaging?
So why bring race into it at all?

Its already a political issue

So lets throw race into it and divide the country even further

He's a fuck wit looking to blame a minority group and start a
racial debate to deflect from his own failings in his state

This is the same clown that said "There is more to life then living" :tearsofjoy:
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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
So why bring race into it at all?

Its already a political issue

So lets throw race into it and divide the country even further

He's a fuck wit looking to blame a minority group and start a
racial debate to deflect from his own failings in his state

This is the same clown that said "There is more to life then living" :tearsofjoy:
He didn't bring race into it. Race had been in it for a long time now.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
We'll have to agree to disagree.
So I reach out and acknowledge that there is truth in some of what you say, but that it is nowhere close to the whole story and that there are other factors to consider as well, some of which are bigger and far longer established factors than covid.

Your response to that is to blank every single thing I said in multiple posts, fail to concede that a single point I made had any merit or validity at all, and essentially tell me to go fuck myself because your blanket statement of "Qanon is because of covid" is the full and complete truth and there is nothing else to consider.

Is this the honest and respectful dialogue you were going on about, then?

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
When was covid a racial issue?

Thats new to me.

It was turned into a MAGA vs liberal issue yes.

This is the first I've seen a prominent politician bring race into it
Lots of Dems have whined about people of colour getting the shit end of the stick covid wise. And the media is much more likely to label black or Hispanic people "vaccine hesitant" whereas white people are "covid deniers".

Not that you referenced the media, but it is what it is.

Nov 21, 2015
Lots of Dems have whined about people of colour getting the shit end of the stick covid wise. And the media is much more likely to label black or Hispanic people "vaccine hesitant" whereas white people are "covid deniers".

Not that you referenced the media, but it is what it is.

Yeah the dems have been running campaigns to reach out to black people
however I'm unaware of it being used as a blame for what is happening in Texas
until this clown tried to do it.

55% of Texans are unvaxxed

Blacks make up 12% of Texas population.

The math literally doesnt work to try to blame them.

I did start hearing how they are trying to blame it on immigrants on the border.

But this black vs white blame shit is new to me.

We have enough hatred and divide as it is. Yet this ass wit wants to stoke
black vs white hatred instead of adressing his failure to contain covid in Tx
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Nov 21, 2015
Lots of Dems have whined about people of colour getting the shit end of the stick covid wise. And the media is much more likely to label black or Hispanic people "vaccine hesitant" whereas white people are "covid deniers".

Not that you referenced the media, but it is what it is.

"And the media is much more likely to label black or Hispanic people "vaccine hesitant" whereas white people are "covid deniers".

Yeah I have seen that narrative in the media as well. I think its becuase liberal blacks and hispanics
aren't saying things like "Covid isnt real" and are not the majority group protesting about masks
and vaccines.

They are generally not protesting. They are just keeping to themselves an not getting vaxxed

Factor in the historical context of them being untrusting of doctors and I can see why the media
labels them "hesitant" and the right wing "deniers"

I'm sure its political bias and agenda driven media as well though
Nov 21, 2015
I was essential so never got a break.

The only good thing about Covid was the streets were empty and the cops weren't pulling anyone ever. I was breaking land speed records to and from work.

But having sporting activites cancelled and bars/restaurants closed fucking sucked.

I don't need subsidies.
I eat what I kill.
I live in Cali and we had some of the most restrictive "lock downs" and I
disticntly remember being annoyed that the traffic did not ease up one fuckin bit.|

I use an organic meal prep service that ships my weekly meals straight to my door.

Anything else I need I can order on Amazon

If it would ease the horrible traffic here I'd stay on lockdown for the next decade

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
"And the media is much more likely to label black or Hispanic people "vaccine hesitant" whereas white people are "covid deniers".

Yeah I have seen that narrative in the media as well. I think its becuase liberal blacks and hispanics
aren't saying things like "Covid isnt real" and are not the majority group protesting about masks
and vaccines.

They are generally not protesting. They are just keeping to themselves an not getting vaxxed

Factor in the historical context of them being untrusting of doctors and I can see why the media
labels them "hesitant" and the right wing "deniers"

I'm sure its political bias and agenda driven media as well though

There are (semi) legitimate reasons for black people to fear getting injected by the government. Tuskagee experiment, etc. But this is a different time, and hanging onto that as a reason for not getting vaccinated during a global pandemic where literally everybody on the planet is being urged to get vaccinated, is not valid at this point in time, IMO.

I also suspect that part of the lagging vaccination rates in the black communities is because black people as a whole tend to be more churchgoing, and churchgoers are more likely (as a whole) to be resistant to vaccinations. Mark of the Beast, and all that bullshit.

Media bias is for sure calling non-white people "vaccine hesitant" because it sounds a lot softer and less hostile than the terms they use for the tinfoil rednecks. It's a fair point to suggest that the white anti-vaccers are far more vocal about rejecting any and every vaccine no matter what because Bill Gates and George Soros, though.

Nov 21, 2015

There are (semi) legitimate reasons for black people to fear getting injected by the government. Tuskagee experiment, etc. But this is a different time, and hanging onto that as a reason for not getting vaccinated during a global pandemic where literally everybody on the planet is being urged to get vaccinated, is not valid at this point in time, IMO.

I also suspect that part of the lagging vaccination rates in the black communities is because black people as a whole tend to be more churchgoing, and churchgoers are more likely (as a whole) to be resistant to vaccinations. Mark of the Beast, and all that bullshit.

Media bias is for sure calling non-white people "vaccine hesitant" because it sounds a lot softer and less hostile than the terms they use for the tinfoil rednecks. It's a fair point to suggest that the white anti-vaccers are far more vocal about rejecting any and every vaccine no matter what because Bill Gates and George Soros, though.

I agree. I even agree that black people fearing getting injected because of Tuskegee is not a valid
reason for not getting vaxxed. I can only say the fear is real. I myself have not been vaxxed
because of that fear.

Had a long talk with my mother and sister about it.

My mom was trying to work up the courage to go get it.

I just told her to do what she thinks is best and listen to her doctor.

She finally worked up the courage to get it.

My sister and I however are still not trusting enough to try it.

I'm not Antivaxx. I have a vacation home in Fortaleza Brazil and every year I go there
I get Malaria and Yellow fever shots before the trip.

I just cant get myself to trust this covid vax though.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
dude, we carry phones in our pocket. There is no need to inject a fucking ID. The phone tells everything about us.
Dude, inject an ID?
I said "implement ID's, not "inject ID's"

The injection serves multiple purposes from sickness, sterilization, death, control and vaccine dependence, to interacting with the cell phone and its capabilities, including the real-time transfer of information. Between the frequencies emitted to the graphene & response recorded connected, you have a "heart ID".
So whether you have a phone or not(camping, etc.), you can be identified now by your heart ID by laser.
It's military technology, the same implemented by China on its soldiers to create a kill switch, and to emit frequencies that create desired outcome(agressiveness).