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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Perhaps you are under the assumption that shit like Qanon doesn't affect people's mental health or behaviour, or social/family relationships or employment status.

I can tell you firsthand (because I deal with this shit at work) that this view is very much not the reality.
Qanon's rise during 2020 was directly related to covid. Which is why I point out that someone saying "covid was basically no big deal" doesn't reconcile with them also talking about sweeping covid related mental illness.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
For most regular working people, anecdotally, they enjoyed the lockdown. The government subsidised businesses, and most people enjoyed the sudden restoration of their work/life balance - the opportunity to spend quality time with their kids, cook quality meals, indulge hobbies, catch up on work around the house etc.
Dumbest thing you ever said here. By a wide margin.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Your not even talking to the right person Petti
I never said anything about microchips...I agreed with you that your phone and an app could do the trick
Oh true?

Well if that's the case, then that's on me and I apologise. I still have trouble keeping some of you guys apart in my head.

I don't owe you an explanation for my posts or opinions...and you don't owe me an explanation for yours

But if my "opinion" is "the Earth is larger than the sun" and you reply "well, objectively that is just not true at all" and my response is to spam a GIF of Nicholas Cage at you six times in the next twenty minutes....... what does that make me? Is that a discussion? Am I a poster who is participating in the thread in good faith, or am I just a troll?

If you want to vent all your anti conspiracy anger/frustration on me that is fine...Won't bug me, I'm quite used to it
I don't think it is healthy and I guarantee it is a waste your time
Everything here is a waste of time, that's kinda the point of the place. I'm killing time at work. It's 5am in New Zealand and we're in national lockdown, there's really not much for me to do workwise at the moment.

Some people strongly disagree with some of my posts/opinions
Some people agree with some and disagree with other parts
Some agree with the majority of my posts/opionons

Do you only converse with the people who agree with the majority of your posts/opinions, because you can't stand for anything you say to be questioned or punctured?

Free speech is still allowed in this country(kinda) and on this forum(thanks @Splinty ), if you want me censored or edited then just say so...
Why would I want you censored? Because you don't line up with me on everything? So what? I'm not that big a sook that I'm gonna have a cry and whine to the mods the second you dare to challenge anything I typed. That's the woke snowflake mindset, and I am not one of those types.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Dumbest thing you ever said here. By a wide margin.
Heard it every shift, mate.

Even qualified my opinion by saying "anecdotally."

You think a lot of people DIDN'T enjoy a month long holiday from work on their full wage, with their job waiting for them when they came back?



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
For most regular working people, anecdotally, they enjoyed the lockdown. The government subsidised businesses, and most people enjoyed the sudden restoration of their work/life balance - the opportunity to spend quality time with their kids, cook quality meals, indulge hobbies, catch up on work around the house etc.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Heard it every shift, mate.

Even qualified my opinion by saying "anecdotally."

You think a lot of people DIDN'T enjoy a month long holiday from work on their full wage, with their job waiting for them when they came back?

The same way a kid would be happy for a snow day that needs to get made up at the end of the year.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Oh true?

Well if that's the case, then that's on me and I apologise. I still have trouble keeping some of you guys apart in my head.


But if my "opinion" is "the Earth is larger than the sun" and you reply "well, objectively that is just not true at all" and my response is to spam a GIF of Nicholas Cage at you six times in the next twenty minutes....... what does that make me? Is that a discussion? Am I a poster who is participating in the thread in good faith, or am I just a troll?

Everything here is a waste of time, that's kinda the point of the place. I'm killing time at work. It's 5am in New Zealand and we're in national lockdown, there's really not much for me to do workwise at the moment.


Do you only converse with the people who agree with the majority of your posts/opinions, because you can't stand for anything you say to be questioned or punctured?

Why would I want you censored? Because you don't line up with me on everything? So what? I'm not that big a sook that I'm gonna have a cry and whine to the mods the second you dare to challenge anything I typed. That's the woke snowflake mindset, and I am not one of those types.

-Yes it was another poster
I agree with a lot of his content but I didn't speak of microchips

-I fucking love gifs, Nic Cage especially...He is the greatest human we have

FYI Nobody would Gif you if you didn't admit you hate them so much

-Yes, it is mostly people wasting time...don't take it seriously and all good in the hood

-I will discuss with anybody, those discussions have led some to ignore me completely(3 give or take, and I respect their decision to do so)
I don't really feel you discuss in good faith due to the insults so I am kind of over being serious towards you...wastes both our time.

-Glad you don't want anyone censored. I respect that.

I wish you nothing but the best...being completely serious.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Qanon's rise during 2020 was directly related to covid. Which is why I point out that someone saying "covid was basically no big deal" doesn't reconcile with them also talking about sweeping covid related mental illness.
Qanon easily predates covid, and its rise was driven by Trump fans who were attracted to its claims about military tribunals against the Dems and such. Covid was never the driving focus of the conspiracy. There will be an inevitable WIDE crossover between Qtards and covid deniers/Bill Gates is microchipping everybody types, because that sort of paranoid, delusional conspiracy thinking is endemic in the American right wing base, regardless of the specific conspiracy. I understand that you don't want to hear that, unfortunately that doesn't make it any less true.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Qanon easily predates covid, and its rise was driven by Trump fans who were attracted to its claims about military tribunals against the Dems and such. Covid was never the driving focus of the conspiracy. There will be an inevitable WIDE crossover between Qtards and covid deniers/Bill Gates is microchipping everybody types, because that sort of paranoid, delusional conspiracy thinking is endemic in the American right wing base, regardless of the specific conspiracy. I understand that you don't want to hear that, unfortunately that doesn't make it any less true.

I didn't say Qanon doesn't predate covid. Qanon peaked during covid last year as it turns out when you lock people in their homes in front of their computers they're more inclined to find conspiracy theories. This isn't breaking news, it was widely reported.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
In New Zealand.

Which is a country with far less social division, a far more populist government and a far stronger sense of national community than you are used to. We're in lockdown at the moment, I'm at work and my missus is at home earning full wage, with the government subsidising her employer 80%. You don't think a lot of people would prefer that over going to work with covid everywhere and people dying and ICUs overwhelmed?


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
But this guy - what is he here for?
I'm here for the MMA, one of the owners invited me back in 2015

Been in 99% of the Live Fight Threads since 2016, I made threads myself for 50+ events

Just wanted to go on record, that is the common interested of the majority of the forum

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I didn't say Qanon doesn't predate covid. Qanon peaked during covid last year as it turns out when you lock people in their homes in front of their computers they're more inclined to find conspiracy theories. This isn't breaking news, it was widely reported.

And I could just as easily say that Qanon peaked because of months of Trump's bullshit about the deep state trying to steal the upcoming election from him. That would be correct as well. Both were factors. Take away covid, and Qanon doesn't get as big as it does. Take away MAGAworld, and it doesn't get as big as it does. Take away Facebook's algorithm heavily prioritising right-wing conspiracy garbage because nothing else is as effective at generating clicks and user engagement with the site, and Qanon doesn't get as big as it does.

It was not a single cause, but a quote-unquote "perfect storm" that caused Qanon to blow up so huge, so quickly.



John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I sure hope you didn't just dare to correct my factually inaccurate statement, or even challenge it. I guess I now have no choice but to spam you with the same idiot random gif half a dozen times. What a prick YOU are, eh? But I sure as hell raised the level of discussion, at least.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015

And I could just as easily say that Qanon peaked because of months of Trump's bullshit about the deep state trying to steal the upcoming election from him. That would be correct as well. Both were factors. Take away covid, and Qanon doesn't get as big as it does. Take away MAGAworld, and it doesn't get as big as it does. Take away Facebook's algorithm heavily prioritising right-wing conspiracy garbage because nothing else is as effective at generating clicks and user engagement with the site, and Qanon doesn't get as big as it does.

It was not a single cause, but a quote-unquote "perfect storm" that caused Qanon to blow up so huge, so quickly.


Trump's election theft claims were entirely based around covid mailing balloting. Again, this isn't news.

Covid was the straw that stirred the drink.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Trump's election theft claims were entirely based around covid mailing balloting.
That might have some validity...... if he hadn't whined in exactly the same fashion about nonexistent "fraud" in the 2016 election that he won, as well as every 2016 primary that he lost.

So no, they weren't. Trump was lying about being the victim of electoral fraud years before covid was a thing. Lying about election theft is just a hardwired facet of his psychology, because to do otherwise would mean publicly admitting that he lost at something. Meaning that he must admit that wasn't actually the best at something. Which he will never, EVER do.



Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
In New Zealand.

Which is a country with far less social division, a far more populist government and a far stronger sense of national community than you are used to. We're in lockdown at the moment, I'm at work and my missus is at home earning full wage, with the government subsidising her employer 80%. You don't think a lot of people would prefer that over going to work with covid everywhere and people dying and ICUs overwhelmed?

I was essential so never got a break.

The only good thing about Covid was the streets were empty and the cops weren't pulling anyone ever. I was breaking land speed records to and from work.

But having sporting activites cancelled and bars/restaurants closed fucking sucked.

I don't need subsidies.
I eat what I kill.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I was essential so never got a break.

The only good thing about Covid was the streets were empty and the cops weren't pulling anyone ever. I was breaking land speed records to and from work.

But having sporting activites cancelled and bars/restaurants closed fucking sucked.

I don't need subsidies.
I eat what I kill.
Yes, lockdowns do suck.

So does having a filling put in your tooth. Doesn't mean it's a better idea to just not go to the dentist when your tooth starts hurting, though.

Also, until this week, bars and restaurants in New Zealand were operating as normal since May last year, with no social distancing requirements and nobody wearing masks or being asked to. Kids were in school too.

We could do that for one reason only. Because the entire country went into national lockdown as soon as covid was discovered in the community. That bought us more than a year of normal life while the rest of the world fell apart.


member 3289

I don't want him sanctioned
A former mod told me that you spam the report feature with essays about why you don't like particular posts.

You clearly want to get people in trouble or you wouldn't be such a crybaby.