I think @ Splinty @Splinty , and everyone else who believes in this horseshit are just naive and intellectually lazy, @ Splinty @Splinty included.
I think @ Splinty @Splinty is the most dangerous person on the entire forum regarding "COVID-19", because he encourages "vaccines" for halfbof everyone, despite knowing nothing of their history, or the world picture.
That aside I think @ Splinty @Splinty is probably a fun guy to kick it with and good intentioned.
To be clear, I don't have just 1 personal story with "vaccines", my baby niece is dead too, which is ironic as 3rd world countries have no more epidemics of "crib death" from laying whatever way they prefer than they do "border syndrome" from crossing invisible lines of another country.
I think just under half the OT posters still remaining here are dumb as bricks and angry about it, because the innate desire to hate someone else other than their government is easier, even though I'm quite sure I could beat their state representatives ass(they're not quite as approachable).
Annndddd, I think many posters are incredibly forgetful and dismissive of daily weekly, monthly, yearly & historical events.
A bad thing occurs & they forget it.
30 other things along the same agenda occur by the same pricks over 10 years and its brushed off as "pricks gonna prick", yet they'll get infinitely angrier at their fellow man for not wearing a mask that doesn't work for a disease that hasn't been isolated, hasn't been proven to even exist on its own, and mysteriously occurs on cruise ships, airplanes, cities, and naval vessels with 60ghz phased mm array rolled out.
I guess it's easier to believe it only exists on riot control in Baltimore.
The lack of knowledge regarding current & everlasting CIA operations/propaganda on the populace is concerning, as is the significance of suicides by double taps to the back of the head, suicides, bombings, poisons, heart attacks in healthy proponents, hangings with strangulation marks, and factory explosions.
And "RV explosions" for that matter. LOL.
Truly I wish people weren't as dumb as the elite think they are, but if they can convince those dummies to advocate killing their opponents(art of war), it becomes increasingly difficult to cast pearls.
At least I don't want 90% of the population dead.
When I was younger I thought like many of you, IE yeah yeah yeah, get a job man, go DO something.
Well the retard is so strong, we've gotten to the point where it's getting harder to do either, and will soon be impossible, as perfectly normal logical healthy people are targeted for prison because of the audacity to think critically.
There is no asymptomatic spread you fucking idiots.