General New York City solution for homeless people

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Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I'm not proposing one.
Do they have a large homeless population in your city/region?

I do, so I am familiar with many plans and options...some are failures and some are somewhat successful.
90% + are addicts so it starts there

It sucks...Poop all over the place and cities spending a lot of money on clean up...Most of the homeless don't want help...they want drugs

I am sure NYC has a lot of "warming centers" for the homeless...problem is you can't do drugs in most of them.

That said those things look pretty crazy and a pain in the ass for everybody homeless or not...Never been to NYC so I might be missing the plot on how life it there.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
It's called hostile architecture, and it's everywhere if you look for it.

Homeless can't sleep on leaning benches. Elderly people, pregnant women, disabled people can't sit down, either:

Blue lights in a gas station bathroom so junkies can't find a vein:

Metal obstructions prevent homeless from sleeping:

Rocks work too:

So do bits of metal:

This one seems like overkill:

Uneven, uncomfortable bars over a vent in Paris:

Russian bench gets folded up and padlocked:

Metal brackets to prevent skaters from grinding:

Memorial redesigned so skaters can't grind all the way down the slope.


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
It's called hostile architecture, and it's everywhere if you look for it.

Homeless can't sleep on leaning benches. Elderly people, pregnant women, disabled people can't sit down, either:

Blue lights in a gas station bathroom so junkies can't find a vein:

Metal obstructions prevent homeless from sleeping:

Rocks work too:

So do bits of metal:

This one seems like overkill:

Uneven, uncomfortable bars over a vent in Paris:

Russian bench gets folded up and padlocked:

Metal brackets to prevent skaters from grinding:

Memorial redesigned so skaters can't grind all the way down the slope.

Hadn't seen a bunch of those

Around these parts the only thing like that is fencing off the under side of bridges so there isn't a lil bunker of homeless under each one

Lot of those bumps for skateboarders though...this area was early to have a large skateboard population


Apr 18, 2015
New York has plenty of vacant space to house the entire population of homeless, but chooses not to because real estate developers and financial capital controls most of the political process. It's a failure of zoning and social services and of course all the people who imagine themselves to be progressive cry and moan whenever the population is moved to their neighborhood and use every ounce of political clout to get them out or make them invisible. Been that way since the early 90s and regardless of the party of the mayor or governor, it hasn't changed.