General Can we all agree that Kyrsten Sinema is hot af?

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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Smart women are better, that is true. Couldn't be with a dumb chick, no matter what she looked like. I can't understand men who are insecure enough that they are threatened by an intelligent woman. I WANT my partner to challenge me.

i dont poll men or ask them what they like since i could care less what anyone else likes lol

i assumed everyone likes intelligence tho. who likes dumb people??? lol

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
i dont poll men or ask them what they like since i could care less what anyone else likes lol

i assumed everyone likes intelligence tho. who likes dumb people??? lol
A lot of men want their women to be clearly dumber than them. Mostly dumb guys, to be fair. Intelligent men tend to get bored with shallow bimbos real quick.

Same as a lot of men are threatened and feel insecure if their partner earns more than them. Why? I WISH my missus earned more than me. If she somehow got a job earning $200k, I'd stay home and keep house, I don't give a fuck. :smile:



Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I like the slimline, sharp featured types myself, so Omar is in my lane. But AOC....... those curves....... and though I don't agree with a lot of her statements, I appreciate AOC's charisma and I think she really is trying to work for the people and not the paymasters. ?

Tulsi I don't like because she strikes me as very fake.

don't lie, it's her incestuous nature you find most appealing.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
politics is like wmma. any half ways decent looking woman looks like a 10 compared to the other 3s .with politics any chick under 40 looks like a dime compared to the skeletal remains of pelosi and feinstein and the leather face of maxine waters .if AOC was an actress or singer she would be mocked relentlessly for her buckteeth and gum to tooth ratio


Apr 18, 2015
politics is like wmma. any half ways decent looking woman looks like a 10 compared to the other 3s .with politics any chick under 40 looks like a dime compared to the skeletal remains of pelosi and feinstein and the leather face of maxine waters .if AOC was an actress or singer she would be mocked relentlessly for her buckteeth and gum to tooth ratio
Yeah there's definitely a political scale, an MMA scale, a Hollywood scale etc. There's also white girl scales, which need all the support and caveats they can get. Among them, Sinema is a strong contender.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
politics is like wmma. any half ways decent looking woman looks like a 10 compared to the other 3s .with politics any chick under 40 looks like a dime compared to the skeletal remains of pelosi and feinstein and the leather face of maxine waters .if AOC was an actress or singer she would be mocked relentlessly for her buckteeth and gum to tooth ratio

People seem to confuse "attractive" with "hot af" very easily.

member 1013

Democrat U.S. senator from Arizona. The same right-wing fuckboys who think Ann Coulter is attractive say that Sinema is ugly. Go figure.

And though I find her fairly attractive, especially for her age, she's not what I would consider hot tbh. But remember I'm from Miami and have standards.
I didn’t ask you, please shut the Fuck up.

RaginCajun @RaginCajun who is she

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
You must have missed her over the last month or so. She's gone full war machine shill.
haha i wanted to say that. i even started typing it earlier but didnt want to be that guy to pivot the thread that way (esp bc i had already commented on sinema beong corrupt)

but for real.... whats up with new tulsi. shes not even in politics anyone, so she has no excuse to say such stupid warmonger stuff

and her anti war stance was the coolest bit about her



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
haha i wanted to say that. i even started typing it earlier but didnt want to be that guy to pivot the thread that way (esp bc i had already commented on sinema beong corrupt)

but for real.... whats up with new tulsi. shes not even in politics anyone, so she has bo excuse to say such stupid warmonger stuff

What she says makes sense to the people to whom she's appealing. I'm just not those people. Her current message appeals to both progressives and Fox News Republicans.

member 1013

haha i wanted to say that. i even started typing it earlier but didnt want to be that guy to pivot the thread that way (esp bc i had already commented on sinema beong corrupt)

but for real.... whats up with new tulsi. shes not even in politics anyone, so she has no excuse to say such stupid warmonger stuff

and her anti war stance was the coolest bit about her

She’s full of shit

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
What she says makes sense to the people to whom she's appealing. I'm just not those people. Her current message appeals to both progressives and Fox News Republicans.
progressives are very anti war. the community had halfway bailed over time and now fully bailed on her bc of this