General Rittenhouse trial

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Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
You think he's trolling at the OG?
He won't go there any more after seeing this thread:

" You’re basically PAYING large amounts of money to drive to a business, wait too long, wait again, then have someone give you information that’s less helpful than you could find in a 5 minute Google search, based on their limited memories from school. "

Splinty @Splinty :)


Who am I kidding? I’m a whore.
Amateur Fighter
Nov 15, 2015
Are you dorks still going on about this? Jesus Christ. Too many women(autocorrect changed “woke” to “women”. I’m going to leave it because it’s funny.) idiots who won’t give it a rest, and too many Rittenhouse fan bois defending the kid.

He should not have been there in the first place. He is also not wrong for defending himself from woke morons. That really should be the end of this. The court will end up seeing it this way. Now let’s get back to the other good stuff where people argue like they have the knowledge of a virologist or a doctor.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
National Guard activated ahead of Rittenhouse verdict; Local police also prepare for announcement
Local and state officials are keeping a close eye on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial as the case draws to a close, with Gov. Tony Evers calling up the Wisconsin National Guard and local law enforcement saying they are continuing to monitor the trial.