General Rittenhouse trial

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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
i don't understand memes like this. Who cares if the guy KR shot was a sex offender, other than it shows that he wasn't averse to violence against the helpless?

If Ahmed Aubrey was a pedo, I'd still say people don't get to chase him through the street and shotgun him because they saw him acting suspicious.

there's sooooo much to hate on Binger for, just being a dirty DA and thinking about all of the people who didn't have national media exposure and millions of dollars for their defense that he railroaded should be enough.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
i don't understand memes like this. Who cares if the guy KR shot was a sex offender, other than it shows that he wasn't averse to violence against the helpless?

If Ahmed Aubrey was a pedo, I'd still say people don't get to chase him through the street and shotgun him because they saw him acting suspicious.

there's sooooo much to hate on Binger for, just being a dirty DA and thinking about all of the people who didn't have national media exposure and millions of dollars for their defense that he railroaded should be enough.
I had the same discussion multiple times in the wake of George Floyd's death.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
i grew up with a Cletus.

not just a guy named Cletus, but a guy living the Cletus life. I don't even know the guy's real name, he was in his late 20s when I was later in HS. No job, rode around on a bike, hung out with all the underage kids and bought us beer.

there was a 4th of July party where he went to jail, we drank all the beer he bought, and I bent up his bike trying to ride it (hammered on his beer, while he was in jail).

The Big Guy

how did the defense tank their case?
I dont think they prepared travis for cross properly. He was immediately led into traps. Maybe he couldnt have been prepared better I dont know. The prosecution was very good too

He didnt seem to understand he needed probable cause and he played right into the prosecutors hands.

Defense needs to twist it that he didnt have probable cause for that days events but maybe because he knew arbery to be the guy who previously entered the property and police told him arbery had to be detained to give a trespassing notice

Roddie seen the writing on the wall and tried to plea out yesterday but the state declined.

The son will get his boots smoked for sure imo. Sad though cause he seems like a regular guy trying to keep his neighborhood safe.

The Big Guy

there's a cormier cross-over meme in there Kyle in the octagon after the JBJ fight
DA Krauss could be the referee that lets someone take extra punishment

"Sometimes you gotta take a beating"

The Big Guy

there's a cormier cross-over meme in there Kyle in the octagon after the JBJ fight
Or the jon jones toe.

He looks all happy after the win. Joe mentions mangled toe. Then Kyle's crying face

member 1013

I dont think they prepared travis for cross properly. He was immediately led into traps. Maybe he couldnt have been prepared better I dont know. The prosecution was very good too

He didnt seem to understand he needed probable cause and he played right into the prosecutors hands.

Defense needs to twist it that he didnt have probable cause for that days events but maybe because he knew arbery to be the guy who previously entered the property and police told him arbery had to be detained to give a trespassing notice

Roddie seen the writing on the wall and tried to plea out yesterday but the state declined.

The son will get his boots smoked for sure imo. Sad though cause he seems like a regular guy trying to keep his neighborhood safe.
This is why I need your expert play by play


4070 = Legend
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Just look at their faces. They already look like they lost. This would have never been a fair trial anyway.
I'm only on day 4 of Arbery trial. The only thing I don't see fair so far is having 1 trial with co-defendants. This always hurts someone's case.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I dont think they prepared travis for cross properly. He was immediately led into traps. Maybe he couldnt have been prepared better I dont know. The prosecution was very good too

He didnt seem to understand he needed probable cause and he played right into the prosecutors hands.

Defense needs to twist it that he didnt have probable cause for that days events but maybe because he knew arbery to be the guy who previously entered the property and police told him arbery had to be detained to give a trespassing notice

Roddie seen the writing on the wall and tried to plea out yesterday but the state declined.

The son will get his boots smoked for sure imo. Sad though cause he seems like a regular guy trying to keep his neighborhood safe.
i didn't take it that way. Regardless of the prior interactions, I think the law is pretty clear about what constitutes "probable cause". They didn't have it with those pieces of information, and the court isn't going to let them argue their own laws.

If they had seen Arbery in commission of crime, or had received first-hand information, they might be able to make that argument.

I agree that they were just trying to keep their neighborhood safe, but chasing strangers and gunning them down in the street is the opposite of that. They had done their job when Arbery started panic-sprinting to get out of their neighborhood. They tried to detain him, that was immoral, IMAO, and illegal in the eyes of the law.


Nov 14, 2019
I dont think they prepared travis for cross properly. He was immediately led into traps. Maybe he couldnt have been prepared better I dont know. The prosecution was very good too

He didnt seem to understand he needed probable cause and he played right into the prosecutors hands.

Defense needs to twist it that he didnt have probable cause for that days events but maybe because he knew arbery to be the guy who previously entered the property and police told him arbery had to be detained to give a trespassing notice

Roddie seen the writing on the wall and tried to plea out yesterday but the state declined.

The son will get his boots smoked for sure imo. Sad though cause he seems like a regular guy trying to keep his neighborhood safe.

Will you volunteer to clean down the loads in his cell?

The Big Guy

i didn't take it that way. Regardless of the prior interactions, I think the law is pretty clear about what constitutes "probable cause". They didn't have it with those pieces of information, and the court isn't going to let them argue their own laws.

If they had seen Arbery in commission of crime, or had received first-hand information, they might be able to make that argument.

I agree that they were just trying to keep their neighborhood safe, but chasing strangers and gunning them down in the street is the opposite of that. They had done their job when Arbery started panic-sprinting to get out of their neighborhood. They tried to detain him, that was immoral, IMAO, and illegal in the eyes of the law.
I agree with that. How long does probable cause last? If I know you broke into my house last week can I tackle and hold you at the mall next week?


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I agree with that. How long does probable cause last? If I know you broke into my house last week can I tackle and hold you at the mall next week?
nope. i have to observe or have first-hand observation of a crime in progress. Otherwise I can call the cops and follow you.

that's my "moral" interpretation, but I think the law usually follows the same logic. Citizen Arrest is only authorized to stop or pursue in continuation of a witnessed crime.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
One thing I've come to realize watching this Arbery trial is that these guys aren't racists, they're just accustomed to racist policing strategies.
They saw a guy who didn't look like he belonged in the neighborhood, so they pursued him with weapons and detained him against his will until they could convince themselves he wasn't doing criminal stuff.

That's modern policing in a nutshell. I don't think for a minute that any of these guys are "whites better than blacks" racists, but they're the kind of white people who racially profile for criminality.