Breaking.. multiple dead in Paris

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Jan 28, 2015
if the good ones were actually the good ones they would have handled the bad ones before it got this far.they need to cut the head off this snake and go after who ever is funding this and arming this shit.i dont really see too many of the good muslims up in arms about what has been happening around the world.
Damn fucking right!!!


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015

French police arrested a man in August on suspicion that he was plotting a terror attack on a concert venue, French television channel BFMTV revealed Friday.

Officers from France's General Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI) arrested the man on August 15, two months after he returned to France from a six-day trip to Syria. The suspect — a Paris resident in his thirties — admitted during questioning that he had spent a week in the Syrian city of Raqqa in May 2015.

Located in the north of the country, Raqqa is an Islamic State (IS) stronghold in the north of Syria and has been described as the capital of the group's self-proclaimed caliphate.

The suspect is believed to have sustained an injury to the leg after being hit by a grenade at the start of his training in Raqqa. He was reportedly ordered by one of the camp's leaders to return to Europe or France to carry out a terror attack. The suspect agreed to travel back to France, suggesting a busy concert hall as an ideal target for an attack.


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015

Guys, it's fucking clear.
Do you remember that train attack of a few months ago? Luckily it was stopped.
Now that guy arrested in September?
Now this?
Those fuckers have a simple tactic. Gun people down in public places a la Mumbai.
Im afraid there's more to come.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
5 dead & french authorities have sent out a bulletin that a number of armed terrorists are possibly still on the loose somewhere


Apr 18, 2015
if the good ones were actually the good ones they would have handled the bad ones before it got this far.they need to cut the head off this snake and go after who ever is funding this and arming this shit.i dont really see too many of the good muslims up in arms about what has been happening around the world.
As one commenter ably put it, most of the refugees you see pouring into other countries are running from these exact types of people who engage in terroristic activities. Saying they should have somehow just handled it is acting as if attempts haven't been tried and been unsuccessful.

Terrorists aren't some elected group. They're men with guns and bombs who make everyone's life miserable. Cutting heads off snakes is reductive as these are largely non-hierarchical ideological groups with a variety of funding streams from various sources with a multitude of ulterior motives.

And if you don't see many in the muslim community who decry this action, I'm afraid you aren't paying attention. France has been routinely hostile to Arab and North African populations, but it didn't stop large numbers of them from rallying to France's side during the Charlie Hebdo slaughter or tonight.
Jan 21, 2015
9 pages and not a single post pondering the possibility of a Gladio-style attack?

WAY too early to be making assumptions and conclusions imo... don't let the mainstream media do this for you. Now when emotions are high is when the propaganda is most ripe to set in. Stay vigilant, question everything, keep false flag scenarios as legit possibility until we get more info from more sources (FUCK CNN).

Likely we won't start to see through the fog for several days.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2015
French President Hollande : "We are going to lead a war which will be pitiless. Because when terrorists are capable of comitting such atrocities, they must be certain that they are facing a determined France, a united France, a France that is together, and does not let itself be moved, even if today we express infinite sorrow."


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2015
Fuck me

From reddit

Interview on CNN summary:

1 - The person interviewing was inside "It was a blood bath:

2 - People were stepping over people trying to escape

3 - the shooters were QUIET (one was young, 20years old), they were saying NOTHING.

4 - Shooters were UNMASKED, were CALM, reloaded.

5 - They were shooting in random directions, still MANY HOSTAGES inside

6 - His friend is still stuck inside, texting him, saying police has NOT entered yet.

Reddit crashed.
Jan 21, 2015
Please give me a logical culprit for a leave behind army in France.
sorry, what do you mean?

Also - PLEASE, people - stay sharp if you're gonna watch things like CNN. They have long proven to be completely untrustworthy imo

Gather info from as many different perspectives/sources as you can... digest and see what you see in 2 weeks.

There are lots of ways this can be played right now on the global/political chessboard... western mainstream media is NOT a source of unbiased 'news', or free of political influence. NOW is the most opportune time to implant a story in the public perception...! At least balance with some RT or something on the other end of the propaganda scale.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2015
Another eyewitness account from reddit

Was at the Bataclan like an hour ago during the shooting. The guy entered through the front door, probably firing like 60 rounds by clips of 30 I would say. The crowd collapsed and we were all laying on the ground.

The guy just fucking spread on the pit, I just prayed not to get hit. People managed to get out by crawling on the stairs of the nearest exit. I just did the same, crawling over other people on the stairs like a fucking cockroach fighting for his life.

Don't know about the performers.

EDIT: For all you kind souls asking, I have been safe and sound at a family member's place since I posted.

I will be contacting the police tomorrow or on Monday. There will not be a lot of going outside this weekend.

The news is that there are about 70 to 100 casualties in the venue. The RAID (french police hit squad) raided the venue and killed the three bastards.

Thank you for your support, take some time to think of the victims instead of writing to one of the survivors. They need it.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
There one's that are extremists, agreed. But there are a lot of Muslims that simply want to be left the hell alone, to live their lives peacefully. This is another tragedy Al Queda and ISIS has caused. Everyone now associates all Muslims (and really...anyone from the Middle East for that matter) as terrorists. It's a damn shame because there are good people that live in that part of the world.
It's up to those good people to not simply stand by and ignore what is happening with their denomination, the things theses terrorist do are in line with their holy scripture after all. In Christianity we had Martin Luther so many years ago to rectify some brutal practices, but they haven't enjoyed such a renaissance yet. It is time for those good people to make this change as they are lagging some 400 years behind. Speaking up against these terrorist is much like speaking up against thier holy scripture, which advocates the killing of infidels such as we are.

"Kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and capture them, and blockade them, and watch for them at every lookout..." (Quran 9:5).

And I think that is where the problem lies. Yes, there's a history of western inteference and injustice, but I think that is not what those good people are struggling with. Those good people are struggling speaking up against what is in the Quran, the word of God. To be a true Muslim you are an extremist in our western eyes, no such thing as moderate Muslim according to the Quran. At least that is what I gather from it.

Having that said, I mean to be respectful in my opinion. I have no adverserial intentions other than towards those terrorist. What a horrible tragedy. I hope for no more victims, the death of these cowards. Damn I am bummed.


Oct 20, 2015
I'm so heartbroken by the attack.

I hope that swift justice can be served and that the victims rest in peace.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
sorry, what do you mean?

Also - PLEASE, people - stay sharp if you're gonna watch things like CNN. They have long proven to be completely untrustworthy imo

Gather info from as many different perspectives/sources as you can... digest and see what you see in 2 weeks.

There are lots of ways this can be played right now on the global/political chessboard... western mainstream media is NOT a source of unbiased 'news', or free of political influence. NOW is the most opportune time to implant a story in the public perception...! At least balance with some RT or something on the other end of the propaganda scale.
Gladio implies a stay behind army. Are you already implying this was a false flag mission by France against its own people?
Jan 21, 2015
^ that's exactly what I'm suggesting! (gather facts before jumping to conclusions).

I'm not implying anything, I agree its too soon. Just saying keep those doors of possibility open before you make up your mind what has happened and who to hate on for it. There is a bigger puzzle happening here... this is at best a symptom of a larger issue.

I'm just encouraging people to not run with the initial sensationalist mainstream media narrative. Consider the bigger picture; refugee migrant issue, Syria, Assad, War on Terror, Globalization etc Even if it is straight up Muslim terror it must be placed into context. Do we see the same mourning for the MILLIONS being killed by western 'terror'? Our media has us so twisted around its not even funny. If we keep seeing these events as just isolated incidents, we are really quite blind

Don't accuse those who see these things as being disrespectful

PS: the 'stay behind army' is already in place.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
^ that's exactly what I'm suggesting! (gather facts before jumping to conclusions).

I'm not implying anything, I agree its too soon. Just saying keep those doors of possibility open before you make up your mind what has happened and who to hate on for it. There is a bigger puzzle happening here... this is at best a symptom of a larger issue.

I'm just encouraging people to not run with the initial sensationalist mainstream media narrative. Consider the bigger picture; refugee migrant issue, Syria, Assad, War on Terror, Globalization etc Even if it is straight up Muslim terror it must be placed into context. Do we see the same mourning for the MILLIONS being killed by western 'terror'? Our media has us so twisted around its not even funny. If we keep seeing these events as just isolated incidents, we are really quite blind

Don't accuse those who see these things as being disrespectful

PS: the 'stay behind army' is already in place.
Muslim terror should be placed in context, as in, they are justified somehow?

We are not blind, radicalism can be seen without the use of (mainstream) media. Nothing in the world excuses an attack such as this, context doesn't matter.


^ that's exactly what I'm suggesting! (gather facts before jumping to conclusions).

I'm not implying anything, I agree its too soon. Just saying keep those doors of possibility open before you make up your mind what has happened and who to hate on for it. There is a bigger puzzle happening here... this is at best a symptom of a larger issue.

I'm just encouraging people to not run with the initial sensationalist mainstream media narrative. Consider the bigger picture; refugee migrant issue, Syria, Assad, War on Terror, Globalization etc Even if it is straight up Muslim terror it must be placed into context. Do we see the same mourning for the MILLIONS being killed by western 'terror'? Our media has us so twisted around its not even funny. If we keep seeing these events as just isolated incidents, we are really quite blind

Don't accuse those who see these things as being disrespectful

PS: the 'stay behind army' is already in place.

Get the fuck outta here.

EvilYoshida is that you?