Society TMMAC Q-Tards?

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Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
watching Q play out reminded me of watching some religious people i know who were involved with the seventh day adventist church . some of them were doomsdayers and the end was always coming . it was always time to repent because jebus was coming or the rapture was about to happen. then nothing. then the goal posts move and there is a new date . rinse and repeat. i know one guy who sold his house and donated the money to the church nd now he lives in a camper in frozen ass alberta. Q did the same thing to these people. it sucked them in to some shit that was too good to be true and then when it didnt happen it asked them to have faith and just kept moving the goal posts. it was also vague enough that they never really outright claimed anything it was all open for interpretation

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
this right here is how i knew Q was fuckin bullshit early . i have posted on a bunch of conspiracy boards for like the last 15 years . these boards have been posting about 911,the NWO , reptilians, hell even flat earth and shit forever. Q comes along and even the most tinfoil hat retards took one look at it and said get that shit off our boards. that is fake. almost all conspircy boards pushed Q off the boards almost immediately and called it a psy op. even most MAGA boards shunned Q . they are the red headed bastard child of the fringe communities
That's great and all, but MAGA types put multiple Qtards and Q-adjacents into Congress.



Dec 15, 2018
this right here is how i knew Q was fuckin bullshit early . i have posted on a bunch of conspiracy boards for like the last 15 years . these boards have been posting about 911,the NWO , reptilians, hell even flat earth and shit forever. Q comes along and even the most tinfoil hat retards took one look at it and said get that shit off our boards. that is fake. almost all conspircy boards pushed Q off the boards almost immediately and called it a psy op. even most MAGA boards shunned Q . they are the red headed bastard child of the fringe communities
Crazy that even MMA Cutman Don House got caught up in it as welll...


Enock-O-Lypse Now!

Underneath Denver International Airport
Jun 19, 2016
Q Post 4888

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a94806 No.11130246 ?
Oct 17 2020 23:45:19 (EST)
Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report?
Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records?
Death blow?
Pandora's 'political elite' box?


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
QAnon Star Who Said ‘Only Idiots Get Vaccinated’ Dies From COVID19
Cirsten Weldon, who had amassed tens of thousands of followers across right-wing social media networks by promoting the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy under the screenname “CirstenW”, died Thursday. She was prominent enough to become a sort of “QAnon Whisperer” for Roseanne Barr and had even started recording videos about QAnon with her. Weldon focused on attacking the vaccines and other efforts to fight COVID-19, saying in one video that Dr. Anthony Fauci “needs to be hung from a rope.” She claimed the vaccine killed people and even recorded herself yelling at people standing in line to receive vaccines. In late December, however, the still-unvaccinated Weldon started showing symptoms of coronavirus infection. In her last video, posted on December 28th, Weldon struggled through her remarks about the coming overthrow of the United States government, coughing and complaining that she was “exhausted”.


Who am I kidding? I’m a whore.
Amateur Fighter
Nov 15, 2015
Q Post 4888

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a94806 No.11130246 ?
Oct 17 2020 23:45:19 (EST)
Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report?
Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records?
Death blow?
Pandora's 'political elite' box?

View attachment 56891
Babe, Q is Qrazy.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
We Found the One Group of Americans Who Are Most Likely to Spread Fake News

In newly published research, we found that it’s not conservatives in general who tend to promote false information, but rather a smaller subset of them who also share two psychological traits: low levels of conscientiousness and an appetite for chaos. Importantly, we found that several other factors we tested for — including support for former President Donald Trump — did not reliably predict an inclination to share misinformation.
To be clear, existing research has found that conservatives have a greater tendency toward misinformation than liberals do. For example, during the 2016 election, individuals who leaned conservative were more likely to engage with and share disinformation on Twitter and Facebook. Likewise, in the early months of the pandemic, conservatives were more likely to believe Covid-19 was a hoax, and to downplay the virus’ severity.
Instead, using statistical analysis, we found that the only reliable explanation was a general desire for chaos — that is, a motivation to disregard, disrupt, and take down existing social and political institutions as a means of asserting the dominance and superiority of one’s own group.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Texas butterfly park shuts down after QAnon theorists call it a sex trafficking hub
The National Butterfly Center in Mission, Texas has been forced to close between January 28 and 30 2022, thanks to a deluge of QAnon followers. In an email blast to members, the Centre said it had received " credible threats" from a "former state official" as far-right groups gather a short while away in McAllen for a 'We Stand for America' rally. Located less than a mile from the US-Mexico border, the center has become the latest battleground of the group's bizarre conspiracy theories.