if he thinks bragging about numbers is a winning strategy, he is retarded
he ran on 15 dollar minimum wage, and did nothing about it
he ran on eliminatinga portion college debt and did nothing about it
he ran on build back better, and it got rejected by manchin, sinema, and republicans. yet he calls them his friends more than justice democrats who actually wanted and support many of the proposals in build back better
he ran on a platform of being a deal maker who can work with the republicans, and his failure to pass his signature agenda of build back better means he is not a deal maker
i commend him for finishing trumps plan of getting out of afghanistan
and he is handling ukraine very well. thank god its not trump
but other than that, he is a collosal failure. republicans are paid by donors to tranfer wealth to the elite. and democrats are paid by donors to lose to republicans
so he is doing great at making his donors happy
but he is a failure to democratic voters, since he hasnt used his bully pulpit at all to call out the corruption in the republican and democrat parties. and he wont, since he is part of that corruption