Masvidal, Covington involved in fight at Miami restaurant (UPDATE - Masvidal charged, Colby loses tooth)

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Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Guaranteed the guy in the top pic could kick your ass...and probably so could the other one
Tracy morgan has a hilarious joke about his brother with down syndrome manhandling people with his retard strength. I dont remember what the pc word is for someone with retardation apologies to the retards here.


Apr 18, 2015
Why bother reaching out? Masvidal is far too much of a cunt to accept it anyway.

It actually kinda irks me that the UFC gave him one of its highest contracts just recently. For what? A 37 year old WW who's fought once a year for the last three years and lost all of them, and in the last five years he's fought 8 times and lost 5 of them. And now the fan base doesn't even like him, and he's facing a felony battery charge for being exactly the kind of shithead thug that the sport has spent 20 years trying to disassociate itself from. Man is a 37 year old father still stalking social media so he can run up with his boys and king hit a guy for embarrassing him, ffs. But he got hot in 2019 (the only calendar year out of the last half decade where he's actually won a fight, btw), so now he gets one of the very few contracts where they actually pay decent money. And he's not going to ever fight for the title again, and most of the fans think he's a tool. Ridiculous.

Give the MMA respectability politics a break. These guys are fighters not cricket players. Who cares about the sport's image? Its labor practices and virtual monopoly control by one promoter make it a clown show anyway. Masvidal did something dumb, but so have many fighters who don't always have the temperament to not fumble the bag. Your statements about "most of the fans" are also inaccurate as he's done well these past few years in PPV buys as well as promotional heat. Jorge does idiotic things sometimes, but he's not special in that regard among high profile fighters or even athletes in other sports. These guys weren't just two dudes who competed in the UFC. They were friends and training partners who fell out and then fought for money and the UFC was only too happy to profit off of it. It's not surprising the heat from something like that doesn't die down overnight. It's also far from unprecedented in MMA's long history that the fight continues outside the cage. As long as our sport continues to thrive on pro wrestling style amping of drama on social and traditional media, these kinds of things are inevitable.

Based on the fact that several people cited Colby when they left ATT (including co-founder Liborio) before they finally kicked him to the curb, I tend to believe he's the common problem here. It's analogous to the Evans-Jones situation where Evans tried to tell everyone about Jones but because Jones was just better at that time, Evans was dismissed until a few years later. People always back the winner and say the guy who's past his prime is in the wrong, out of control, etc., but Colby is reaping what he's sown here. Jorge is closing in on retirement so this was mainly dumb because he'll need that money for the next couple years and now it's obviously in jeopardy along with his legal record. But let's not pretend that being 37 and a parent when you literally spend every day training to hurt people for a living suddenly makes you this restrained professional who enjoys a good book and calm deliberation.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Give the MMA respectability politics a break. These guys are fighters not cricket players. Who cares about the sport's image? Its labor practices and virtual monopoly control by one promoter make it a clown show anyway. Masvidal did something dumb, but so have many fighters who don't always have the temperament to not fumble the bag. Your statements about "most of the fans" are also inaccurate as he's done well these past few years in PPV buys as well as promotional heat. Jorge does idiotic things sometimes, but he's not special in that regard among high profile fighters or even athletes in other sports. These guys weren't just two dudes who competed in the UFC. They were friends and training partners who fell out and then fought for money and the UFC was only too happy to profit off of it. It's not surprising the heat from something like that doesn't die down overnight. It's also far from unprecedented in MMA's long history that the fight continues outside the cage. As long as our sport continues to thrive on pro wrestling style amping of drama on social and traditional media, these kinds of things are inevitable.

Based on the fact that several people cited Colby when they left ATT (including co-founder Liborio) before they finally kicked him to the curb, I tend to believe he's the common problem here. It's analogous to the Evans-Jones situation where Evans tried to tell everyone about Jones but because Jones was just better at that time, Evans was dismissed until a few years later. People always back the winner and say the guy who's past his prime is in the wrong, out of control, etc., but Colby is reaping what he's sown here. Jorge is closing in on retirement so this was mainly dumb because he'll need that money for the next couple years and now it's obviously in jeopardy along with his legal record. But let's not pretend that being 37 and a parent when you literally spend every day training to hurt people for a living suddenly makes you this restrained professional who enjoys a good book and calm deliberation.
You gotta admit
it’s gonna be Gansta AF when Colby returns with a machete and cuts his head of on Miami Beach

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Give the MMA respectability politics a break. These guys are fighters not cricket players. Who cares about the sport's image? Its labor practices and virtual monopoly control by one promoter make it a clown show anyway. Masvidal did something dumb, but so have many fighters who don't always have the temperament to not fumble the bag. Your statements about "most of the fans" are also inaccurate as he's done well these past few years in PPV buys as well as promotional heat. Jorge does idiotic things sometimes, but he's not special in that regard among high profile fighters or even athletes in other sports. These guys weren't just two dudes who competed in the UFC. They were friends and training partners who fell out and then fought for money and the UFC was only too happy to profit off of it. It's not surprising the heat from something like that doesn't die down overnight. It's also far from unprecedented in MMA's long history that the fight continues outside the cage. As long as our sport continues to thrive on pro wrestling style amping of drama on social and traditional media, these kinds of things are inevitable.

Based on the fact that several people cited Colby when they left ATT (including co-founder Liborio) before they finally kicked him to the curb, I tend to believe he's the common problem here. It's analogous to the Evans-Jones situation where Evans tried to tell everyone about Jones but because Jones was just better at that time, Evans was dismissed until a few years later. People always back the winner and say the guy who's past his prime is in the wrong, out of control, etc., but Colby is reaping what he's sown here. Jorge is closing in on retirement so this was mainly dumb because he'll need that money for the next couple years and now it's obviously in jeopardy along with his legal record. But let's not pretend that being 37 and a parent when you literally spend every day training to hurt people for a living suddenly makes you this restrained professional who enjoys a good book and calm deliberation.
Masvidal is a middle-aged millionaire acting like a shithead teenager. Time to put the street thug shit away, stop acting like a clown and grow the fuck up. Simple as that.


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
She kinda walked into a mega WWE contract and is one of the wrestlemania featured matches this year again.
I don't mean she failed at life or MMA or anything

Just that her exit and MMA career got really real really quick

She was the bully until she wasn't...until that point she steamrolled from what I could tell

Glad for her that she can make big time money doing something else, only have seen clips and screenshots

member 3289

I don't mean she failed at life or MMA or anything

Just that her exit and MMA career got really real really quick

She was the bully until she wasn't...until that point she steamrolled from what I could tell

Glad for her that she can make big time money doing something else, only have seen clips and screenshots
Stop shitting up the thread thanks