General 2022 what are you watching on Netflix (and other streaming services) thread

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First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
I'm on the last episode of Stranger Things season 4 (part 1).

It's incredible. I know a lot of plot lines won't get tied up so I can't wait for part 2 on July 1.

In the mean time I'll rewatch seasons 1-3 because there are some storylines I've forgotten.
I binge watched that yesterday. It was good.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
It's in Baltimore as well. The boxing at the weekend the guy had a Baltimore tattoo. Reminded me of throb.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'm sure you are tired of reading this, on the last season of Bosch the reference the wire and how cool it was. (One of the people in the conversation is Marlo) it's a little Easter egg.


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Yes, but throughout the series like 3 people took credit for it, and I don't remember that one seeming anymore reliable.
Olenna Tyrell.

When Jamie Lannister defeated her army and then went to see her in her castle, and gives her a cup of poison to drink as a way of avoiding a public trial and execution. She drinks it without hesitation, then admits that it was her that poisoned Joffrey, and tells him to inform Cersei as one final "Fuck You".

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Hey K @kaladin stormblessed

Who actually poisoned Joffrey? They never really said.
Awesome question. Olenna Tyrell (littlefinger was in on it too)

Olenna didn't want her granddaughter marrying a monster. Moreover, she planned on winning over Tommen, and they knew he would be a pushover

Littlefinger likes chaos. And he leveraged the chaos to escort sansa out of the city as the first step of winning the vale/north

If you rewatch the scene, olenna fixed sansas necklace. One of the gemstones went missing. That gemstone was a poison. Olenna put it into Jeffrey's cup

Here's a video I made a long time ago for screenshots if you're bored


Extra fun stuff.

Arya has an extended journey with the brotherhood without banners in her Riverlands subplot. On that journey, she meets a woodswitch (greenseer) as opposed to melisandre

The woodswitch, Called the ghost of highheart, has greensight. Visions are often metaphors so as to protect the timeline (melidandres quest to change the future is futile since both the past and the future are effectively already written)

One of the visions she told arya was that she saw a maiden in a castle of snow slaying a giant. The red herring for that is that Robyn arryn says he is a giant and he smashed the snow castle she built at the Vale. Then she slapped him

Although the next book isn't out yet, the giant whom that maiden slays will probably be littlefinger either at the vale during winter or later up north at winterfell. (Littlefinger is jot only a "giant" in terms of the game. Theres an even better reason for the metaphor in the prophecy. So his father started a family on one of the vale peninsulas called the fingers. The littlest one, thus littlefinger. Since his father was from braavos, he used the titan of braavos as the sigil of his house. (The titan was that giant statue that you sail under to get into the braavos harbor). Littlefinger created a sigil of his own, a mockingbird, bur still... his family's sigil might be the clue in the "giant" of thar prophecy

The woodswitch went on to tell arya another prophecy. She said that she dreamed of the same maiden as in the first prophecy (sansa) at a feast with serpents in her hair. The serpents fangs were dripping with venom (in the books, its a hairnet of amethyst, not a necklace). Olenna removes one of them, which was actually poison, and put it in Jeffrey's cup

Another fun theory in the books is that tywin was actually dying before tyrion shot him. In theory, olenna poisoned him as well. She's a bad bitch

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Here's some more awesome stuff since I mentioned the ghost of high heart. And the backstory is partially why podricks song is my favorite scene in the show


King Aegon V was the man nicknamed Egg as a kid, which is the name a dying Maester Aemon kept yelling out in delusion. "Egg! Egg!"

Aegon V had been raised by the hedge knight, ser Duncan the tall. So he named his eldest son Duncan. Prince Duncan chose to renege on a betrothal to a Baratheon, which caused a short rebellion, which Duncan the tall (commander of th3 kings guard) ended by defeating Ser Lyonel Baratheon in single combat

Prince Duncan chose to give up his right to the throne because he had fallen in love with a commoner named jenny who was friends with the woodswitch. The ghost of high heart

Then the Tragedy at Summerhall.

Details are not clear, but it seems King Aegon V may have been trying to hatch dragon eggs with wildfire. And they exploded. King Aegon V, prince Duncan, and others died.

Ser Duncan the tall died, but not before saving some people. One of those people may have been future mad King aerys wife. Outside Summerhall, she gave birth to Rhaegar as the building burnt and people died

The Tragedy at Summerhall

Prince Duncan died. And presumably, that's when Jenny died

The woodwitch asked one of the brotherhood to sing Jenny's song every time they stopped and saw her in the books

So that's extra color on why that song is so sad. And major props for that song montages to close out the second to last scene before the Long Night episode

Actually, it's even cooler. The show deserves more credit

Earlier in that scene, Jaime had dubbed Brienne "a knight of the seven kingdoms." That is the title of the "dunk and egg" novella series.

And it just so happens that there is a subtle clue in the books that Brienne of Tarth's is a descendant of Ser Duncan the tall (her father has his shield hanging in their hall)

So the show had Jaime dub her the knight of the seven kingdoms. Then Podrick busts out Jenny's song, which is based on the event in which her ancestor - Ser Duncan the Tall - the knight of the seven kingdoms, died.

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Here's some more awesome stuff since I mentioned the ghost of high heart. And the backstory is partially why podricks song is my favorite scene in the show


King Aegon V was the man nicknamed Egg as a kid, which is the name a dying Maester Aemon kept yelling out in delusion. "Egg! Egg!"

Aegon V had been raised by the hedge knight, ser Duncan the tall. So he named his eldest son Duncan. Prince Duncan chose to renage on a betrothal to a baratheon, which caused a short rebellion, which Duncan the tall (commander of th3 kings guard) ended by defesting ser lyonel baratheon in single combat

Prince duncan chose to give up his right to the throne because he had fallen in love with a commoner named jenny who was friends with the woodswitch. The ghost of high heart

Then the Tragedy at Summerhall.

Details are not clear, but it seems King Aegon V may have been trying to hatch dragon eggs with wildfire. And they exploded. King Aegon V, prince Duncan, and others died.

Ser Duncan the tall died, but not before saving some people. One of those people may have been future mad King aerys wife. Outside summerhall, she gave birth as the building burnt and people died

Prince duncan died. And presumably, that's when Jenny died

The woodwitch asked one of the brotherhood to sing Jenny's song every time they stopped and saw her in the books

So that's extra color on why thar song is so sad. And major props for that song montages to close out the second to last scene before the Long Night episode

Actually, it's even cooler. The show deserves more credit

Earlier in that scene, jaime had dubbed brienne "a knight of the seven kingdoms." That is the title of the "dunk and egg" novella series.

And it just so happens that there is a subtle clue in the books that brienne of tarts is a descendant of Ser Duncan the tall (her father has his shield hanging in their hall)

So the show had jaime dub her the knight of the seven kingdoms. Then podrick busts out Jenny's song, which is based on the event in which her ancestor - Ser Duncan the Tall - the knight of the seven kingdoms, died.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Bosch legacy.

Liking it so far. Loved the original series.


Nov 3, 2015
K @kaladin stormblessed I just realized how slow you’re speaking on YouTube in your Eddie video. I’m not used to you speaking so slowly ?
Stranger Things S4 Spoilers.

So I watched part 1 of the 4th season now, it's definitely good. I'm not sure if I can put it over the first tho so far.

Especially it bugged me every single time when a group went somewhere together and split up into teams of two simply to create dialogues. Oftentimes totally unfitting ones for the situations as well. That was silly and brought me out every time.

"Hey we are in the frightening as fuck upside down totally unknown to me having just fought scary bats and could be attacked again by anything at any time, plus we don't have a real plan and generally little reason to hope we aren't dying here soon or worse.
So lets fall back, let the girls go on ahead alone so I can tell broski that almost collapsed due to blood loss on his infected wounds how I am growing as a person and this chick in front has the hots for him, THIS IS A NORMAL WAY TO ACT"