Calm down, in no way shape or form was that statement directed at you, it was directed at the instigators, shitposters & "autodislikes/disagrees/shot/rainbow" raters that don't read posts but just bring negativity.Really? Wtf dude
That makes it sound like you don’t really give a shit about this community and was just seeking revenge for yourself.
We know that’s true with snitchbo but I never expected it from you. Don’t be like that!
1. There are FEW members outside admin(if any), that've done more for this forum since the beginning than myself or MMAHawk, regarding recruitment, advertising & fund raising.
I have personally led 3 fundraisers.
I have lambasted every city, fight chair, bar, coffee shop, bathroom stall & telephone pole across this nation with TMMAC advertisements, as well as reached out to dozens of fighters & organization leads.
2. "Snitch".
I didn't "snitch", it's another adolescent tag by a few of the butthurt.
I tagged the forum owner in a conversation I was brought in on, despite having ZERO activity in that thread previously.
CMNH brought me into a conversation with his typical name-calling, and made fun of people's appearance.
What he did was unacceptable to the terms of service, period.
He was given 40 chances, & treated the forum guidelines as suggestions for others.
I'd advise the entire forum to re-read those guidelines & do them.
This is a free site, no one is paying the bills but the owners; and no one, including myself, is entitled here.
So the snitch, pill addict, lawyer, drunkie, fattie & other off-the-wall labels & personal attacks should disappear forever.