Show your nice false equivalence there bruv
Show your nice false equivalence there bruv
Should they be forced to, or fired if they decline?Should fighters be able to use PEDs?
I look forward to the "June 24 Hearings".
Sorry, I thought we were comparing apples to oranges.Should they be forced to, or fired if they decline?
Lets practice this hypothetical exercise when men want to take steroids to kill a baby they’re carrying.
If it's a false equivalence, it isn't immediately apparent to me. They're both medical procedures in which the government is making the decision for the patient.serreally?
No it wasn’t. Come on, buddy.This country was founded on Christian values.
You think a woman getting pregnant and wanting to chose between a life form growing in their body for 9 months and then being legally responsible for said child for 18 years, and people being forced to take a vaccine are the same thing?Liberals really lost all credibility by supporting vaccine mandates. You cant scream "my body, my choice!" after demanding unvaccinated people be force vaccinated or fired from their jobs, disowned by their families, and removed from society. It's beyond hypocritical.
exactly, they are similar on the surface but different when you dive into them.If it's a false equivalence, it isn't immediately apparent to me. They're both medical procedures in which the government is making the decision for the patient.
only if you are brave, bruvWhy should they have to give a reason.
Who are you to know?
I thought it was the land of the free?
only if you are brave, bruv
it comes down to a basic respect for the liberty and privacy of others, and the realization that you’re enabling THE DEEP STATE to take away what you view as your rights and entitlements. it requires empathyI love that made up stat doe. It's legitimate because it has 3 figures after the decimal point.
maybe the problem was that the father raped his daughter, not because Supreme Court overturned Wade v Roe