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Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Filthy @Filthy i member you defending ACB as a good nom even doe she didn’t know the first amendment. still feel that way?
I think I defended her as a qualified choice of the President's prerogative...I always found her "Catholic Association" to be a cause for concern, but that's on the Senate during confirmation.

A lot of the opposition seems to be the pain of putting the shoe on the other foot. I abide the ebbs and flows of the SCOTUS, I think it's way too early to judge ACB based on RvW, same as Sotomayer based on her OSHA/vaccine mandate position.

I think Brown is a good choice, although she doesn't have a lot of experience, she seems like a bridge builder. And that's what the progressive wing of the SCOTUS needs.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
So the concept is impure eh?
No. The concept was developed so people could feel good about judging others and wouldn't have to address their own shortcomings. It's not that it's "impure" it's that it's disingenuous.

In America it was commonly used to explain why Russia was bad but Jim Crow laws were totally cool.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
"According to lexicographer Ben Zimmer,[12] the term originated in the United Kingdom and Ireland in the 1970s. Zimmer cites a 1974 letter by history teacher Sean O'Conaill which was published in The Irish Times where he complained about "the Whatabouts," people who defended the IRA by pointing out supposed wrongdoings of their enemy"

1) Keep reading.
2) Applying the same thing to 2 different countries doesn't change anything I said. It's still disingenuous marketing material. 3) Notice that you're still not attempting to defend a position? Yeah. Yeah, you do.

. The term whataboutism dates back to 1978, when it applied to propaganda techniques used by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. When the West criticized the Soviet Union, say, over human rights abuses and oppression, the Soviet Union would point out crimes committed by Western nations (e.g., racism, lynchings).


Nov 3, 2015
1) Keep reading.
2) Applying the same thing to 2 different countries doesn't change anything I said. It's still disingenuous marketing material.
I don't even know what kind of argument you are trying to make now.

I shouldn't use the term Whataboutism? News Flash, I didn't until you asked for it.

Or that I should answer to every other argument anyone else brings up instead of the original one? That makes no sense either.