General Trump to be reinstated after GOP takes both houses in November

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
I think it was you. Singlehandedly. You turned the social media accounts into your own personal conspiracy axe grinding platform, which meant the one pipeline (besides poaching members from other forums) to getting new membership, diverse perspectives and more voices to drown out personal grudges was irreparably destroyed. You also failed to implement any formal escalation protocol to the reporting, warning and banning system, making it mostly arbitrary with a little after the fact deliberation among the mods. Finally, you turned to promoting and protecting disinformation in both your posting and moderation. You let the voices you liked the sound of catch your attention and were sympathetic only to their complaints while ignoring those of others or openly joining in the chorus of hate and pettiness. The buck stops at the top. It's you.
So what I'm hearing is, the forum would great again if conservatives would just shut the fuck up, not post about politics, and let liberals here have free reign of Off Topic? Well, that's not happening. I've watched conservative members be run out of here ( jason73 @jason73 being one, who we can all agree is awesome) and it be celebrated as some badge of honor. I sat back and stayed out of politics for a while. Matter of fact, I rarely even logged onto the forum for months. Then I decided I'm going to speak my opinion and not give a shit who likes different than any of you. The only difference is, my opinions on politics oppose the opinions of you and others. Are we sure that isn't the problem? I mean, there's 5 of us here that are conservative...that I'm aware of anyway. How many who lean left are there? Which "side" is the most outspoken? Why are we the problem? Splinty is liberal, Birdwatcher is liberal, Leigh is liberal. And that's okay. We are all still able to work together and remain friends (I think). But should there not be a balance? Or should we just rename this The Liberal Lounge, and stay out of it? When is it okay for us to share our opinions, and what opinions are acceptable?

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
I think your joking.

I did google the topic to see what you were getting at. I got some trolling and some claims orange man had been there, maybe something got released during the maxwell trial. Not sure what was legit or not.

My stance on that whole issue is if there is a list lets see the fucking list, lets grill all the fuckers on the list, leave no stone unturned. Instead Epstien suicided himself or some shit after he turned off the cameras and gave the guards sleeping pills and Gizzlame got 20 years and we are supposed to leave it at that. If orange did some shit I want some butts, I want the butts of everybody who did some shit. Nothing is over.



member 1013

I think it was you. Singlehandedly. You turned the social media accounts into your own personal conspiracy axe grinding platform, which meant the one pipeline (besides poaching members from other forums) to getting new membership, diverse perspectives and more voices to drown out personal grudges was irreparably destroyed. You also failed to implement any formal escalation protocol to the reporting, warning and banning system, making it mostly arbitrary with a little after the fact deliberation among the mods. Finally, you turned to promoting and protecting disinformation in both your posting and moderation. You let the voices you liked the sound of catch your attention and were sympathetic only to their complaints while ignoring those of others or openly joining in the chorus of hate and pettiness. The buck stops at the top. It's you.
solid post but you are a progressive so LULZ


Jul 10, 2022
I think it was you. Singlehandedly. You turned the social media accounts into your own personal conspiracy axe grinding platform, which meant the one pipeline (besides poaching members from other forums) to getting new membership, diverse perspectives and more voices to drown out personal grudges was irreparably destroyed. You also failed to implement any formal escalation protocol to the reporting, warning and banning system, making it mostly arbitrary with a little after the fact deliberation among the mods. Finally, you turned to promoting and protecting disinformation in both your posting and moderation. You let the voices you liked the sound of catch your attention and were sympathetic only to their complaints while ignoring those of others or openly joining in the chorus of hate and pettiness. The buck stops at the top. It's you.
Can you please provide a link to the social media accounts?

member 1013

So what I'm hearing is, the forum would great again if conservatives would just shut the fuck up, not post about politics, and let liberals here have free reign of Off Topic? Well, that's not happening. I've watched conservative members be run out of here ( jason73 @jason73 being one, who we can all agree is awesome) and it be celebrated as some badge of honor. I sat back and stayed out of politics for a while. Matter of fact, I rarely even logged onto the forum for months. Then I decided I'm going to speak my opinion and not give a shit who likes different than any of you. The only difference is, my opinions on politics oppose the opinions of you and others. Are we sure that isn't the problem? I mean, there's 5 of us here that are conservative...that I'm aware of anyway. How many who lean left are there? Which "side" is the most outspoken? Why are we the problem? Splinty is liberal, Birdwatcher is liberal, Leigh is liberal. And that's okay. We are all still able to work together and remain friends (I think). But should there not be a balance? Or should we just rename this The Liberal Lounge, and stay out of it? When is it okay for us to share our opinions, and what opinions are acceptable?
define conservatism in your own words. specifically conservatism in a liberal democracy (your system of government).

Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
So what I'm hearing is, the forum would great again if conservatives would just shut the fuck up, not post about politics, and let liberals here have free reign of Off Topic? Well, that's not happening. I've watched conservative members be run out of here ( jason73 @jason73 being one, who we can all agree is awesome) and it be celebrated as some badge of honor. I sat back and stayed out of politics for a while. Matter of fact, I rarely even logged onto the forum for months. Then I decided I'm going to speak my opinion and not give a shit who likes different than any of you. The only difference is, my opinions on politics oppose the opinions of you and others. Are we sure that isn't the problem? I mean, there's 5 of us here that are conservative...that I'm aware of anyway. How many who lean left are there? Which "side" is the most outspoken? Why are we the problem? Splinty is liberal, Birdwatcher is liberal, Leigh is liberal. And that's okay. We are all still able to work together and remain friends (I think). But should there not be a balance? Or should we just rename this The Liberal Lounge, and stay out of it? When is it okay for us to share our opinions, and what opinions are acceptable?
Stop playing the victim card. I think the majority of members on the site are conservatives. No one is trying to “silence conservative” voices.

This stolen election, scamdemic, pro January 6th shit, is not “conservatism” it is lunatic fringe right wing shit. It is ridiculously over represented on this site.

member 1013

Stop playing the victim card. I think the majority of members on the site are conservatives. No one is trying to “silence conservative” voices.

This stolen election, scamdemic, pro January 6th shit, is not “conservatism” it is lunatic fringe right wing shit. It is ridiculously over represented on this site.

he can’t even define the ideology he thinks he subscribes to


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
Stop playing the victim card. I think the majority of members on the site are conservatives. No one is trying to “silence conservative” voices.

This stolen election, scamdemic, pro January 6th shit, is not “conservatism” it is lunatic fringe right wing shit. It is ridiculously over represented on this site.
You've changed bro.


Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
Stop playing the victim card. I think the majority of members on the site are conservatives. No one is trying to “silence conservative” voices.

This stolen election, scamdemic, pro January 6th shit, is not “conservatism” it is lunatic fringe right wing shit. It is ridiculously over represented on this site.
I politely disagree with this passionate post

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
That must be the picture you mentioned on your podcast with the only thing good about this year's fight week being "the view."
I would have had to compliment her on her beauty if I got to talk to her

She is goofy sexy in a badass way

That outfit is silly but it fits her(not really but she makes it work)


Apr 18, 2015
So what I'm hearing is, the forum would great again if conservatives would just shut the fuck up, not post about politics, and let liberals here have free reign of Off Topic? Well, that's not happening. I've watched conservative members be run out of here ( jason73 @jason73 being one, who we can all agree is awesome) and it be celebrated as some badge of honor. I sat back and stayed out of politics for a while. Matter of fact, I rarely even logged onto the forum for months. Then I decided I'm going to speak my opinion and not give a shit who likes different than any of you. The only difference is, my opinions on politics oppose the opinions of you and others. Are we sure that isn't the problem? I mean, there's 5 of us here that are conservative...that I'm aware of anyway. How many who lean left are there? Which "side" is the most outspoken? Why are we the problem? Splinty is liberal, Birdwatcher is liberal, Leigh is liberal. And that's okay. We are all still able to work together and remain friends (I think). But should there not be a balance? Or should we just rename this The Liberal Lounge, and stay out of it? When is it okay for us to share our opinions, and what opinions are acceptable?
If that's what you're hearing, it's just a reflection of how deep in the tank of ideology you are. This isn't about liberal and conservative. I'm not a liberal. I'm a communist. Literally the person you're most afraid of and who you routinely cast aspersions on. I'm the one who goes out and joins the protests you're so scared of and who organizes people in my own local community to critique capitalism and this broken system. You have never walked among us, but I walk among you every single day so I can listen and understand what you're saying and why you care about the things you do and what can be done about them. You only have a boogeyman's view of what we're out here trying to do backed by no reading, no personal conversations, but instead just filter bubble caricatures of us. And you and I have never been anything but cordial to one another despite this and we've agreed on plenty. I've slept at other conservatives from this forum's homes and hung out with them and somehow they didn't catch antifa disease or go on a molestation rampage. We communists are the enemy of the Democratic party too, but your narrow distorted world view imagines that we're secretly great friends who are trying to take something away from you. It's demented and so far removed from reality, but I've been sympathetic to your dissociation because you've actually lost and have obviously hurt because of it. Even your calling your fellow admin/mod team "liberal" is laughable because neither would describe themselves that way, at least not in the way you mean it. It's not about anyone needing to shut up. It's about you turning the resources and brand of this forum that we, the members built into your personal crusade/breakdown space. And now you're banning people for saying so. All I and others are asking of you is that you take an honest look at the rhetoric you spout about restrictions on speech and see how easily you yourself can fall prey to the same arbitrary abuses of power, all in the name of making a place "safer" or "a better experience" for the people you favor. This isn't about liberals and conservatives. It's about the forum Constitution which is about good faith engagement and community decision making over what is best for all of us. That is the opposite of what the U G was and why we were attracted to it in the first place. But now here we are and it seems it's no different.