they selling ice cream out of that vending machine? What's with the top ad?
I don't know. But after I eaty froggy dinner I'll go investigatethey selling ice cream out of that vending machine? What's with the top ad?
tree took it like a champ.
Struck by lightning, 4 men in Gurugram live to tell their tale
Struck by lightning, 4 men in Gurugram live to tell their tale | WATCH VIDEO
Struck by lightning, 4 men in Gurugram live to tell their tale
Struck by lightning, 4 men in Gurugram live to tell their tale | WATCH VIDEO
I remember when I was 10 my mom forgot to get milk we were second in line and she had me wait while she went for it. Soon as she left the line moved up and I was there making uncomfortable eye contact with the cashier. I panicked and ran out the store and waited by the car.. fair to say I didn't get any of the ice cream I picked out that day.
My mom would say she would right back in a "minute" and I would be left panicking as the line got shorter and shorter in front of me.I remember when I was 10 my mom forgot to get milk we were second in line and she had me wait while she went for it. Soon as she left the line moved up and I was there making uncomfortable eye contact with the cashier. I panicked and ran out the store and waited by the car.. fair to say I didn't get any of the ice cream I picked out that day.