the issue with hiring workers back is that the money was already in the system, you couldn't hire someone back at the previous wage because wages were inflating. WalMart and other other MegaCorps didn't have trouble getting workers like ChikFilA/Subway type franchises or local/small businesses.Other than every business owner/manager complaining that they were unable to get workers back even after the government said it was OK for them to open back up.
And I don't blame the workers.
I blame the government.
Who wouldn't rather get $1080/wk for free instead of working 40 hours and getting $1000/wk ($25/hr) less taxes?
Actually - I wonder if that's what the 87,000 IRS agents are for? Collecting all that 2021 unemployment income?
Those franchises and small shops would have to take out loans to cover increased operating costs.
Guess who had a bunch of money waiting to lend them?