General Four University of Idaho students stabbed to death...

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Dec 15, 2018
Where did they get this info? The cops have repeatedly said they won't release it.
I have no clue. Saw some people ask the same question and they basically said the source is known for getting some inside scoops. This case is so strange...


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
The father of one of the victims released some information today. Apparently, the two blonde girls were killed in the same bed on the 3rd floor. Given the other two victims were dating, I assume they were sleeping in the same bed on the 2nd floor.


Dec 15, 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Red Solo cups, cereal bowls with spoons inside and a 'Good Vibes' neon sign. Eerie photos show rooms inside off-campus Idaho murder house frozen in time 18 days after four students were slaughtered as they slept
  • pictures show the inside of the home in Moscow, Idaho, where four students were murdered
  • A stack of red Solo cups, a neon sign that reads 'Good Vibes', several cereal bowls with spoons still in them and an empty microwaveable popcorn bag are pictured still in the house
  • At night the house is lit by an eerie glow coming from a computer monitor that reads 'No Network Detected' after police took the hard drive for investigation
  • The home was known as a party house and hints of that can be seen through the window of the living room
  • Police are still searching for the killer who murdered University of Idaho students Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Maddie Mogen, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Ethan Chapin, 20, on November 13


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: Red Solo cups, cereal bowls with spoons inside and a 'Good Vibes' neon sign. Eerie photos show rooms inside off-campus Idaho murder house frozen in time 18 days after four students were slaughtered as they slept
  • pictures show the inside of the home in Moscow, Idaho, where four students were murdered
  • A stack of red Solo cups, a neon sign that reads 'Good Vibes', several cereal bowls with spoons still in them and an empty microwaveable popcorn bag are pictured still in the house
  • At night the house is lit by an eerie glow coming from a computer monitor that reads 'No Network Detected' after police took the hard drive for investigation
  • The home was known as a party house and hints of that can be seen through the window of the living room
  • Police are still searching for the killer who murdered University of Idaho students Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Maddie Mogen, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Ethan Chapin, 20, on November 13
Looks like a pretty standard college apartment.


Dec 15, 2018
They haven't released much, but there was a dude in that food truck video that appeared to be following the girls. Acting very strange.
That dude has been ruled out by the cops from what I've read. He looks hella suspicious though. Even the fatty dude he was talking to made a shitty shirtless Q&A video basically vouching for the guy. This is such a mindfuck of a case. I can't wait for the Netflix/Unsolved Mysteries/20/20 and other shows about this in the future...

Ministry of Silly Walks

came in like a wrecking ball
First 100
Amateur Fighter
Jan 15, 2015
That dude has been ruled out by the cops from what I've read. He looks hella suspicious though. Even the fatty dude he was talking to made a shitty shirtless Q&A video basically vouching for the guy. This is such a mindfuck of a case. I can't wait for the Netflix/Unsolved Mysteries/20/20 and other shows about this in the future...
Yeah, that's what they say and he covered that, but I wonder how sure these cops were. They are just spinning their tires, and the killer is sometimes questioned early on, and dismissed.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
The blonde with the bigger boobs, Kaylee, was the likely target. Her father publicly said her wounds were much worse than the other blonde, Maddie, which was info given to his 17 yr old daughter by the medical examiner according the the mother which seems unprofessional to tell a minor that or tell anyone that until the case is solved.

Her father also said she was sleeping in Maddie's room rather than her own which is also not something her father should have announced in the middle of the investigation. Cops don't release this info because details like this are likely things only someone in the house would know. They can filter out bullshitters that tell them otherwise.

The cops also announced that Kaylee had a dog that was in another room. They also said it didn't enter the crime scene which leads me to believe the door was closed. Probably her room since that is likely where it was use to sleeping. The parents said it wasn't the type to bark. I'm thinking the killer went to her room first, saw she wasn't there, and closed the door on the dog.

The only other bedroom on that floor was Maddie's. It would make since to check that room given Kaylee wasn't in her own room.

She was suppose to move out of the room/house/state soon, so her room was likely getting packaged up and left her bed fulled with moving junk. She was graduating soon and moving for a job.

The two girls were in the room on the 3rd floor that was on the opposite side of the house from the sliding glass door.

Ethan was spending the night with his gf, Xana. Xana had defensive wounds. They slept on the 2nd floor. Likely in the room directly under the room the girls were in since that is the larger room on the 2nd floor. The info of the location and condition of the bodies all came from the families via the cops/medical examiner.

The killer entered through the sliding glass door on the back of the second floor. No signs of forced entry. It may have been unlocked, but those are easy to unlock anyway. The cops were seen by media closely inspecting and running drills from that door to/from the nearby woods. That's the likely entry/exit route.

The killer likely knew the layout of the house. Many of their windows didn't have curtains/blinds, so it could've been a peeping tom. Also, it is a rental house, so there are a bunch of pics of the house online via rental ads. You can also attain blueprints through the city. There are a bunch online already. The girls were also big on social media and were not shy about filming in the house.

There is also police body cam video of a party they threw on 9/1. One of the downstairs girls can be seen in that video lying to the cops about living there. She had just moved in at the start of the school year. A couple of the guys in that video are rumored to be JackS (really John).

The killer may have known everyone in the house or was stalking one of them. I think Maddie and Kaylee were killed first. Likely Maddie first in order to get her out of the way, then Kaylee which was side to get the worst of it being the main target. I also think they had their throats slashed and/or lungs collapsed preventing them from screaming and/or ensuring they would bleed out quickly.

I also think the commotion upstairs woke up Ethan causing him to go check and end up getting killed when the killer came back downstairs to leave. That would have caused Xana to become a witness causing her death.

The killer likely made his exit after that since the girls downstairs would not have seen his face.

The killer may not have had much blood on him due to much of it getting soaked up by the bed/sheets which would explain the lack of finger, hand, or shoe prints which may be there too. The cops haven't said.

Some facts:
  • There are streaks of what looks like blood running down the foundation that look like blood.
  • The cops are looking for a white car which may be the getaway car.
  • The video of the girls at the food truck has audio. They arrive with a guy that is wearing a hoodie. He is Jack S (aka John Stillwater). It looks like they are trying to avoid him. One of them says something like F you to him.
  • They leave without him and with another guy. Hoodie guy leaves in the same direction without getting anything from the food truck.
  • Hoodie guy has been said to have driven to his parents home early that morning. He said he left early because it is a 5 hour drive to Boise. It is known that both his parents and at least one of four of his brothers are doctors, and it is rumored that the entire family planned a trip to Africa which is why he had to leave. His brother has done medical trips to Kenya in the past. I guess it seems like a regular thing for the family.
  • There is a second video of the girls and Hoodie guy, JackS, walking to the food truck. One of the girls can be heard saying, "What did you tell Adam?" The other replied, "Like everything." I have no idea what that means, but Kaylee's father said Adam is their favorite bartender who works at the bar the went to earlier that night. He's been cleared as well.
  • A white car was seen speeding by a nearby store on a security cam. A neighbor's security cam also caught a white car. Both around the time of the murders. It is unclear if it is the same car. The cops are asking for help identifying it.
  • There is also an interview with a local vape shop guy where he said the girls frequented. He had a conversation with them saying that it is good to travel in packs since it is safer. They replied informing him that Kaylee thought she had a stalker.

It is still unclear to me how the next morning went when the 911 call was made. It was for someone being unconscious. It is unclear if that was one of the dead people or one of the girls that lived downstairs. The cops walked in not knowing about the murder scene. Most of which were pretty affected by it calling it horrendous. The latest info I have is that Ethan was propped up next to the door, the girls from downstairs and both girls freaked out and ran out of the house. One of them managed to call 911 before passing out. Someone else grabbed the phone and told them she passed out.

Friends were called or otherwise came over prior to 911 getting there. One of those people is Hunter, Ethan's brother, who lived nearby. Hunter is also rumored to have been with Ethan and Xana that night since he and Ethan are in the same frat.

There is also the theory it was Kaylee's father. I don't think there is much there, but I guess his brother is in prison for murder. Maybe the psycho snapped, murdered his daughter, her best friend, and all witnesses, then leaked info to the press to take eyes off him and wants continuous updates so he knows if they are onto him while he bashes them in the media. The cops cleared him too. I really doubt there is anything here.

There is also the theory that Kaylee's ex was mad at her for breaking up with him and planned on moving away. The cops cleared him too.

There is also the lone wolf theory of a weird guy that is socially awkward and had trouble developing romantic relationships and was a narcissistic loner. Maybe said guy partied with them, or could see in their windows, or run into them around the area, maybe at the restaurant Kaylee worked it, or stalked them online.

The cops have said they have gone through much of the evidence, so I assume they are getting info back from forensics. I'm guessing they'll be bringing people of interest in soon given the newfound evidence.
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First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
New video released showing the two girls walking with the guy seen with them at the food truck on their way to it and mention a guy named "Adam"...

Food truck guy is John "Jack" Stillwater, aka JackS, from Boise. He's the one that left early in the morning because he had to drive for 5.5 hrs to get home. His parents and at least one of his three brothers are doctors who often visit Africa, specifically Kenya, for humanitarian missions, and is rumored to be in Africa ATM. Although, his current location is unconfirmed.

Also a police bodycam video was released from back in September at the murder house and it shows how wild & crazy the house was...

The girl in the thumbnail is Bethany Funke, one of the surviving roommates. She lied to the cops in that video about living there.
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Dec 15, 2018
Food truck guy is John "Jack" Stillwater, aka JackS, from Boise. He's the one that left early in the morning because he had to drive for 5.5 hrs to get home. His parents and at least one of his three brothers are doctors who often visit Africa, specifically Kenya, for humanitarian missions, and is rumored to be in Africa ATM. Although, his current location is unconfirmed.

The girl in the thumbnail is Bethany FunkeOn, one of the surviving roommates. She lied to the cops in that video about living there.
I've heard the rumors of Jack taking that long drive and flying out of the country are not true but the other stuff you mentioned did check out. Saw pictures from facebook from some of their hunting kills...

Yep she sure did lie when she came to the door lol. Also in the beginning around 15 secs in you hear someone yelling out for Kaylee which was one of the other girls who lived there but they stopped with a quickness once they saw the cops approach them...


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
I've heard the rumors of Jack taking that long drive and flying out of the country are not true but the other stuff you mentioned did check out. Saw pictures from facebook from some of their hunting kills...

Yep she sure did lie when she came to the door lol. Also in the beginning around 15 secs in you hear someone yelling out for Kaylee which was one of the other girls who lived there but they stopped with a quickness once they saw the cops approach them...
It makes sense that he would make that drive. He was leaving for Thanksgiving break.

AFAIK, there is another guy with the same name that isn't involved with this story at all. I don't even think he lives around Moscow, but the hunting photos are suppose to be him. I'm not 100% on this, but I didn't think the hunting photo guy looked anything like the guy in the videos.