I just watched Luke Rock Hold "quit" against Mike Perry in a "2 bit" ass promotion
we all call "BKFC".
Let's be real fam... This is a second rate ass 2 bit organization and Luke is NOT a 2nd rate
ass fighter...
....So why the fuck is he fighting (and what we all know is WAY past his prime) and "quitting"
against 2nd rate ass fighters in a 2 bit ass, god damn fuckin clown show circus??
Here's my answer that no one wants to fuckin just say!
UFC fighters are bunch of god damn beta male ass pussies as a "collective"!
Individually they can be the bravest motherfuckers on this planet...
...But as a collective they are fuckin soft as god damn syrup!...PERIOD.
Yeah I said it... ALL OF YOU!
As a collective you don't do shit that's even remotely considered "Alpha""
You can't come together and DEMAND better pay so you don't look like
complete ass clowns past your prime in a 2 bit ass organization for a check
You can't come together and DEMAND equal pay out on UFC sponsors
You just bend over like beta bitches and take it up the ass when the UFC sells your name likeness
You beta fucks never stand up as a collective for ANYTHING!
Not single solitary fucking THING!
Every last god damn one of you professional UFC fighters on this board has done FUCK ALL
to stop being your daddy Egg's fucking complete bitch!
How fucking weak of a man do you have to be to even allow it to become a possibility
that one of your brothers and UFC 's Champions is so fuckin broke that he has to "quit"
in a 2 bit ass organization just to get a god damn check??
I got 19 year old, never had a hard day in their lives hedge fund traders under me with
10X the balls any of you mutherfuckers have!
PS - To all The UFC fighters on this forum.... How does Egg's dick taste?
I'm not a fighter. I'm a Hedge Fund Manager but no one on my team
has ever tasted dick like you "alpha" guys love too.
We would all love to know what another man's dick in your mouth tastes like.
PSS - I'f I'm not banned for this post from hence forth every UFC fighter on this
board will be referred to as "Collective Beta Cuck" by me
we all call "BKFC".
Let's be real fam... This is a second rate ass 2 bit organization and Luke is NOT a 2nd rate
ass fighter...
....So why the fuck is he fighting (and what we all know is WAY past his prime) and "quitting"
against 2nd rate ass fighters in a 2 bit ass, god damn fuckin clown show circus??
Here's my answer that no one wants to fuckin just say!
UFC fighters are bunch of god damn beta male ass pussies as a "collective"!
Individually they can be the bravest motherfuckers on this planet...
...But as a collective they are fuckin soft as god damn syrup!...PERIOD.
Yeah I said it... ALL OF YOU!
As a collective you don't do shit that's even remotely considered "Alpha""
You can't come together and DEMAND better pay so you don't look like
complete ass clowns past your prime in a 2 bit ass organization for a check
You can't come together and DEMAND equal pay out on UFC sponsors
You just bend over like beta bitches and take it up the ass when the UFC sells your name likeness
You beta fucks never stand up as a collective for ANYTHING!
Not single solitary fucking THING!
Every last god damn one of you professional UFC fighters on this board has done FUCK ALL
to stop being your daddy Egg's fucking complete bitch!
How fucking weak of a man do you have to be to even allow it to become a possibility
that one of your brothers and UFC 's Champions is so fuckin broke that he has to "quit"
in a 2 bit ass organization just to get a god damn check??
I got 19 year old, never had a hard day in their lives hedge fund traders under me with
10X the balls any of you mutherfuckers have!
PS - To all The UFC fighters on this forum.... How does Egg's dick taste?
I'm not a fighter. I'm a Hedge Fund Manager but no one on my team
has ever tasted dick like you "alpha" guys love too.
We would all love to know what another man's dick in your mouth tastes like.
PSS - I'f I'm not banned for this post from hence forth every UFC fighter on this
board will be referred to as "Collective Beta Cuck" by me