I wish I didn't believe that was a possibility but it certainly is.
Ya that does look perfect like conditions to start a fire
There is always someone going to try and make something political out of a tragedy.
A sign from God showing believers he is real…happens all the time, just gotta be paying attention.The church was in on it @Enock-O-Lypse Now!
Nah I like my conspiracy theory better or should I say reality theory of the church calling in an airstrike like some sort of CCT.A sign from God showing believers he is real…happens all the time, just gotta be paying attention.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zZa9t98HVqg&pp=ygUcQ25uIGNhciBjcmFzaCBiaWJsZSBzdXJ2aXZlcw%3D%3D
Texans are always all annoying like "CaliForNiA HaS WiLd FiReS"
He loves it, all apart of that little bullshit..Elections have consequences.
View: https://twitter.com/endwokeness/status/1691090768503402496?s=46&t=5XrZHnZc8NrGsve1ffhPnw