Shootings in San Bernardino Ca

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Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I'm interested in knowing what this meeting was about...


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Who knows at this point, but it kinda sounds like there was a meeting where someone had a reoccurring issue they were bringing up and got shot down, possibly saw it coming again and had his pals ready for it.
Just speculation...

But if it was a little more than a "Christmas Party", I wonder if we'll ever hear the issue being discussed, that caused so much anger to incite mass murder.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
Who knows at this point, but it kinda sounds like there was a meeting where someone had a reoccurring issue they were bringing up and got shot down, possibly saw it coming again and had his pals ready for it.
Just speculation...

But if it was a little more than a "Christmas Party", I wonder if we'll ever hear the issue being discussed, that caused so much anger to incite mass murder.
yeah, the workplace dispute as motive is hard for me to believe.

sayed gets in an argument @ a holiday party & returns shortly with an accomplice(s), assault rifles, tactical gear & IEDS? seems like a bit of planning went in to this.

will let this one play out a bit before judgement.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
An AR15 is NOT an assault rifle, and the statement "AR15 style" rifle, doesn't even make sense. That is all.


Nov 15, 2015
- Social services center, gun free zone, disabled people serviced, wearing body armor, has assault rifles, unidentifyable perpetrators, many people killed wounded by guns.

In this climate, with this timing, in that place.
IF there is no known motive,
IF they escaped in a black SUV,
IF they drove away slow,
IF all these factors are true,
this is a perfect false flag attack.
And now we know the facts, we know you went full retard.....


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
And now we know the facts, we know you went full retard.....
Maaaaybe you should read my post again, thoroughly.

And maaaaaybe you should realize it's a real-time forum where exchanges of thought occur, not claims of fact.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
are they saying AR-15? I thought I heard AK-47 style...
From "San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan didn't say how old the suspects were or what race they were. He told reporters they were armed with assault-style rifles and handguns.

A law enforcement official told CNN the rifles were AR-15s or similar style weapons.

The man and the woman were dressed in what Burquan said was "assault-style clothing," describing it as "dark, kind of tactical gear."

It irritates me when they start taking liberties like this to sensationalize the story into something it isn't.


Nov 15, 2015
Maaaaybe you should read my post again, thoroughly.

And maaaaaybe you should realize it's a real-time forum where exchanges of thought occur, not claims of fact.
Your post contained a lot of "Ifs".
What I don't understand is WHY anyone would use a devastating tragedy to spew Alex Jones type conspiracy.
The term "false flag" is a false flag in and of itself since nothing that has ever been called a 'false flag' has ever been proven to be a false flag.

I think energy is best spent sending condolences to victims and trying to figure out what needs to be done to help end this recurring mass violence. before it becomes (more) common place than it already it.


Posting Machine
Jan 26, 2015
From "San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan didn't say how old the suspects were or what race they were. He told reporters they were armed with assault-style rifles and handguns.

A law enforcement official told CNN the rifles were AR-15s or similar style weapons.

The man and the woman were dressed in what Burquan said was "assault-style clothing," describing it as "dark, kind of tactical gear."
well shit, they are all over the place with this then. numerous stories regarding this involving "ak-47 style" rifles. shouldn't be a surprise, AR-15 is the trigger phrase for gun grab talk.

It irritates me when they start taking liberties like this to sensationalize the story into something it isn't.
you & me both brother.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Your post contained a lot of "Ifs".
What I don't understand is WHY anyone would use a devastating tragedy to spew Alex Jones type conspiracy.
The term "false flag" is a false flag in and of itself since nothing that has ever been called a 'false flag' has ever been proven to be a false flag.

I think energy is best spent sending condolences to victims and trying to figure out what needs to be done to help end this recurring mass violence. before it becomes (more) common place than it already it.
Before I respond, if you could just let me know if you're my copstalker LakerUp, it would save me a lot of time.


Nov 3, 2015
Maybe I am unable to understand, but, dafuq is wrong with some of you people?
Are you so dulled to these things that it doesn't really matter anymore? Is it cynicism?

People died
. A lot of people. In a horrible event. Horrible.

Yet some here only care about the categorization of the guns used. Wtf? You think the dead care what fucking category it is? You think their relatives care right now?

So the story here is the media possibly getting this detail wrong in the first stories? That gets you riled up? That is what people should care about here?


Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Question, having a heavily armed population apparently keeps them safer. Are most of these mass murders ended by the police or armed civilians?

Honestly don't know the answer.


Maybe I am unable to understand, but, dafuq is wrong with some of you people?
Are you so dulled to these things that it doesn't really matter anymore? Is it cynicism?

People died
. A lot of people. In a horrible event. Horrible.

Yet some here only care about the categorization of the guns used. Wtf? You think the dead care what fucking category it is? You think their relatives care right now?

So the story here is the media possibly getting this detail wrong in the first stories? That gets you riled up? That is what people should care about here?


I really do agree.

Soz guys...I agree....Rainbow me up.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Some of this goes back a bit to other threads where specific forum members were discussing certain possibilities, so others may view it as insensitive or completely irrelevent, as they weren't there.

Anything further than that I can't comment on, but I hope that helps.

( Q @Qat regarding gun identity)