General It's been 0 days since I last shit my pants

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First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
So I've been changing up my diet recently to lower my carb intake and increase my protein and fat intake. From what I've read online, there are suppose to be a number of health benefits. I'm mainly doing it because it is suppose to lower inflammation. Not that I'm overly inflamed, but I thought I'd try it out. Anyway, one of the things that I read about it is that for the first couple of weeks, it can make you shit A LOT.

I had a few things to do downtown today. Go to the bank, meetup with a friend for lunch, hit up Costco. I did not make it to Costco. As I was walking a few blocks back to my truck from my friend's place, my stomach started turning. I thought, "No biggie, I'll just tell it no by sucking it in." Upon getting into my truck, I had to sit there for a few minutes fighting it off unsure if I should go back to the homie's crib and take a giant shit in his toilet, but I honestly didn't think I would make it back there. I thought it was better to sit still and drive home like a bat out of hell.

I did my best to do that, but leave it to the laws of nature, every God damn car in front of me was the slowest motherfucker that has ever existed. I'm clenching the cheeks this whole time thinking, "No, no, no, no, no." Anyway as I'm coming into my neighborhood, the feeling goes away which leaves me thinking, "Great, all of that and now I'm going get home and not have to shit." I wasn't having that, so I intentionally left myself in the I-have-to-shit-but-not-right-now zone.

I parked my truck in the parking garage, and as soon as I started walking to the elevator, my body told me it was ready again. I clenched, I danced, I prayed while waiting for the elevator. As I reached my floor and my door, I could feel it turtle necking in the wrong direction. Fortunately, my bathroom is right next to my door. There was no time. I skipped locking the door. Again, no time. Threw my keys on the bathroom counter. I also didn't have time to undo my belt, unbutton my shorts, and undo the zipper. Way too time consuming, so I sucked in my gut and yanked the shorts and underwear off. A bomb went off as I was sitting down. Mid sit, cheeks not even on the seat yet. The bomb went off all over the bowl. As I was sitting there, I decided I should check the underwear. Sure enough, there were a couple of small Hersey squirts in there. Not a lot, but anything at all counts. So it has now been several 0 days since I last shit my pants.

And that was the third shit of the day. I already feel a fourth coming soon. The next couple of weeks should be interesting.
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Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Most of that is retained water.

Once it's cycled out after a few weeks, your 2 pack turns back into a 6.
Bile salts are good, gall bladder formula.
Electolytes, wheat grass powder for the electrolytes lost in the flush.

Soon enough all the symptoms involving inflammation dissipate.
Energy returns, sleep gets better, heartburn disappears, heart health improves.

Then, like an ex smoker looking at tobacco- puffin' losers, evveryone appears as an unhealthy slob, chock-full of inflammation & mrna.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Most of that is retained water.

Once it's cycled out after a few weeks, your 2 pack turns back into a 6.
Bile salts are good, gall bladder formula.
Electolytes, wheat grass powder for the electrolytes lost in the flush.

Soon enough all the symptoms involving inflammation dissipate.
Energy returns, sleep gets better, heartburn disappears, heart health improves.

Then, like an ex smoker looking at tobacco- puffin' losers, evveryone appears as an unhealthy slob, chock-full of inflammation & mrna.
I've been using the pink Himalayan salt a lot more. I'm thinking of getting some Baja mineral salt as well. I'll probably only use the sea salt for dishes where the nutrients will mostly cook out anyway. I was thinking about adding coconut water, but I'll need to check the label to see how many carbs are in it.

Sleep and energy levels have been fine, but I also just started this week. No heartburn at this point.

I'm also considering adding a fast. I already don't eat between dinner (~5pm) and breakfast (~6am). I was thinking about ramping up to a 72 hour fast one meal at a time and doing that for a few weeks to see how it affects me. It basically be what Dana White and whoever that guy he worked him advertised without coffee since I don't drink that. Oh, and without the steroids.
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First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
And I'm dropping water weight a lot faster than I thought. Since Sunday, I'm down 8.2 lbs. That's gotta be water weight. There is no way I could get anywhere near that otherwise.
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Dec 16, 2023
Like one every month or two this happens to me. I have to take some massive water shit. Literally all at once it hits, and I have to run to whatever fuking backroom I can find in like 37 seconds before I blow, and it is extremely painful. So painful that, if I am out in public, and have to use a public restroom, I don't even bother to try and wipe the piss off the toilet seat, flush the toilet if there is a turd already in there, etc. - the pain (and fear of shitting in my pants) is so bad that those nasty things don't mean anything to me in that moment. If I had one of these occurrences, and you happened to have a toilet that was the only one within 37 seconds of me, and had a contract that said I will pay you $5 million if you let me use your toilet, I would have to sign it, and actually happily sign it to make the pain go away. The water shit exits my ass so fast and with such ferocity that it not only literally covers the entire interior of the bowl, but a ton of it actually ricochets off the bowl and the water, back up onto my ass, leaving shit water all over my ass that I have to wipe off. And, because often there is some other dude's turd already in the public restroom toilet, since I had no time to flush given the pain, its some other dude's shit all over me as well. Its fuking disgusting (with the fact that it is absolutely disgusting hitting me about .2 seconds after I take the water shit and the pain instantly goes away). I wish I could find out how to stop that from happening.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
damn i am glad i shit out proper logs like a man and not shit cow patties like you guys


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
damn i am glad i shit out proper logs like a man and not shit cow patties like you guys
There is no way that would've formed a patty. It would've painted the pasture. I was shitting out a daily log on a schedule until now.


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Like one every month or two this happens to me. I have to take some massive water shit. Literally all at once it hits, and I have to run to whatever fuking backroom I can find in like 37 seconds before I blow, and it is extremely painful. So painful that, if I am out in public, and have to use a public restroom, I don't even bother to try and wipe the piss off the toilet seat, flush the toilet if there is a turd already in there, etc. - the pain (and fear of shitting in my pants) is so bad that those nasty things don't mean anything to me in that moment. If I had one of these occurrences, and you happened to have a toilet that was the only one within 37 seconds of me, and had a contract that said I will pay you $5 million if you let me use your toilet, I would have to sign it, and actually happily sign it to make the pain go away. The water shit exits my ass so fast and with such ferocity that it not only literally covers the entire interior of the bowl, but a ton of it actually ricochets off the bowl and the water, back up onto my ass, leaving shit water all over my ass that I have to wipe off. And, because often there is some other dude's turd already in the public restroom toilet, since I had no time to flush given the pain, its some other dude's shit all over me as well. Its fuking disgusting (with the fact that it is absolutely disgusting hitting me about .2 seconds after I take the water shit and the pain instantly goes away). I wish I could find out how to stop that from happening.



Dec 15, 2018
Like one every month or two this happens to me. I have to take some massive water shit. Literally all at once it hits, and I have to run to whatever fuking backroom I can find in like 37 seconds before I blow, and it is extremely painful. So painful that, if I am out in public, and have to use a public restroom, I don't even bother to try and wipe the piss off the toilet seat, flush the toilet if there is a turd already in there, etc. - the pain (and fear of shitting in my pants) is so bad that those nasty things don't mean anything to me in that moment. If I had one of these occurrences, and you happened to have a toilet that was the only one within 37 seconds of me, and had a contract that said I will pay you $5 million if you let me use your toilet, I would have to sign it, and actually happily sign it to make the pain go away. The water shit exits my ass so fast and with such ferocity that it not only literally covers the entire interior of the bowl, but a ton of it actually ricochets off the bowl and the water, back up onto my ass, leaving shit water all over my ass that I have to wipe off. And, because often there is some other dude's turd already in the public restroom toilet, since I had no time to flush given the pain, its some other dude's shit all over me as well. Its fuking disgusting (with the fact that it is absolutely disgusting hitting me about .2 seconds after I take the water shit and the pain instantly goes away). I wish I could find out how to stop that from happening.
Post of the year^

Shut it down boys!

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
So happy for you…actually, I’d like for you to be in the stuck in a public place with no bathroom and just begging for help and embarrassment all over your face