General Midget strippers?

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Tuc Ouiner

Posting Machine
May 19, 2016
Hate to sound redundant, but it's only a matter of time before MMMA starts killing it. Midget Mixed Martial Arts.. duh.. Think about it. In the old days (early UFC) there were no weight classes. GIVE MIDGETS A CHANCE! Fuck giving peace a chance, that'll never happen, obviously. So what, the midgets don't measure up weight-wise. They're built Differently! As long as they short, let 'em get paid! Shit, they don't even get a fair shake in pro-wrasslin. It's time they stop getting the Short end of the stick and get paid. If only PFL had the balls..

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Hate to sound redundant, but it's only a matter of time before MMMA starts killing it. Midget Mixed Martial Arts.. duh.. Think about it. In the old days (early UFC) there were no weight classes. GIVE MIDGETS A CHANCE! Fuck giving peace a chance, that'll never happen, obviously. So what, the midgets don't measure up weight-wise. They're built Differently! As long as they short, let 'em get paid! Shit, they don't even get a fair shake in pro-wrasslin. It's time they stop getting the Short end of the stick and get paid. If only PFL had the balls..
Poland is already pioneering that.


Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
That 5' one is just a regular short girl. Legally 4'8" is the cut off for dwarfism
MMA fighter victoria anthony is almost legally a midget she is supposedly 4'10"