General The OG Fortean Thread (UFOs, Cryptozoology, Lost Civilizations, High Strangeness)

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Lover of most things Kansas City
Aug 13, 2024
I hope the old guys from the OG make the journey. I don't think Stewed Owl will, unfortunately. Some dogs are too old for new tricks. If this was a few years on, I doubt I would've made it.


Lover of most things Kansas City
Aug 13, 2024
No problem my friend. If we see other fellow Fortean weirdos from the OG we should tag them. This was my favorite OG thread. You can't find a community this good even on X.


Lover of most things Kansas City
Aug 13, 2024


Lover of most things Kansas City
Aug 13, 2024
You guys notice how crop circles were a big Fortean topic in the 90's but haven't gotten much attention since the movie Signs? Just an observation.


Lover of most things Kansas City
Aug 13, 2024
Grok is getting really good, really fast. I generated this with fewer than 100 words.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
I'm currently watching the first episode of the new season of Finding Bigfoot.

The blonde scientist lady is so distracting with the incredible amount of botox in her face. lmao


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
Weirdest thing I have ever encountered.

I made some pineapple wine and my wife and I were partaking it one winter night.

We decided to get naked and run out in the snow, don't ask.

Anywho. We were frolicking in the snow and my wife said what's that and pointed towards our tree line.

I looked over and there was a bright orb light that we could see back in the treeline that was hovering about 20 feet above the ground.

We have 100's of acres of woods behind us, it wasn't a neighbor, wasn't a headlight. Wife and I watched it for about 20 minutes then it just disappeared.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
I hope the old guys from the OG make the journey. I don't think Stewed Owl will, unfortunately. Some dogs are too old for new tricks. If this was a few years on, I doubt I would've made it.
I was worried about this as well, because he already mentioned after the last OG fiasco that he wouldn’t move on to another forum, but I did spot him on that “other” new forum. Not sure if he’s shown up here yet.

You guys notice how crop circles were a big Fortean topic in the 90's but haven't gotten much attention since the movie Signs? Just an observation.
Good point. I think a lot of the allure got taken away when those guys were showing how they could be made by humans. Unexplainable is a big part to all this stuff.

It was crop circles in the 90’s and chem trails in the 00’s