General White people swagger jack everything

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Chimonos Revenge

Fortune and Glory Kid
Oct 28, 2015
It's also amazing when certain celebrities fame only exists because they swagger jack someone elses art, or take credit for shit they didn't invent

case in point:


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
5. Belly Dancing

Belly dancing, with roots in Middle Eastern and North African cultures, has been appropriated as a fitness trend. Stars like Shakira have brought it to the mainstream, often without acknowledging its rich cultural context. No, it’s not just a new workout craze.


Yeah, because nothing says "white people ruined this" than a sexy Colombian.

lmao...these people are so hateful and self-loathing.


We. Live. In. A. Fucking. Meme.
Oct 23, 2015
Any black woman without an afro is culturally appropriating.... and I don't give a fuck....
lmao I'll see someone say something like "oh well what about black women with blonde hair, isn't that cultural appropriation?" and the answer will be this some claptrap about "well there's these 3 albino black people in African history that had blonde hair so we're not culturally appropriating anything and check your privilege and..."

hahahaha gaaaawwwwwwd these people are insufferable cunts.
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Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
I love when people would call up and ask if we are doing specials for Cinco De Mayo, I ask why would we, well it's a mexican holiday and all restaurants do.

I used to explain it wasn't till my wife smacked in the back of the head and now I just say no.


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
"well there's these 3 albino black people in African history that had blonde hair so we're not culturally appropriating anything and check your privilege and..
Did you tell them albinos in africa are slaughtered and body parts are sold to witch doctors?