General Trash Panda gets Schlonged

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Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
We've all been in that backyard at least once, be honest..

Sometimes you just wake up in the spirit world.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
I watched Passion of the Christ in the same state opening night at South Potty Island. Then we went to have pizza at the local shop and got the gigs violently, uncontrollably and unstoppably. We turned a few heads but it was spring break. Ah, to be young.

Never dumpster dive on your own, basura bandit. Never.


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
I’ve watched this 7-8 times and crying. The commentary.

Got into a 5 yr old weed chocolate we didn’t even know we had…it was in a toolbox 😂

Blazing though, huh buddy 😂

That raccoon is jason73 @jason73 every weekend.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
This must be why Ted is so chill, I can only imagine the amount of 'misplaced' drugs in Chateau Smiff


Active Member
Aug 13, 2024
Both of my labs got fucked up on gummies while camping last year. They actually seemed to be enjoying the tunes sitting around the fire


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
back in the day someone gave me a weed cookie. i didnt even fuck with edibles back the so i threw it in the freezer and there it sat til it got freezer burnt. we ended up throwing it in the garbage. well my babymama had this fuckin shitzu . it chewed thru the bag and pulled out the cookie and ate the whole thing while we were at work . i came home and the dog didnt do its usual annoying little dog bark attack when i opened the door . it was laid out flat on the ground and barely breathing . i picked it up and it was limp . we rushed it to the vet not knowing it ate the cookie yet. they kept it overnight and ran some tests . we didnt see the evidence until we got home and found the garbage mess in the kitchen . friggen dog cost me like 900 bucks in vet fees for a couple tests and an IV . i could have literally hired a nurse and put it up in a hotel room for cheaper . it was easily more fucked up than the raccoon in the OP but then again the dog weighed like 12 pounds .