Society Stew Peters SCHEDULED to talk THE FORBIDDEN SUBJEWT w/Tucker Carlson tomorrow, September 7th, 2024. Another date that will live in infamy?

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Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
What's confusing about it? Jews control the media and used television to brainwash entire generations.
Well sure, I'm just not sure what the statement is actually saying.
One thing in your home, a Jew in your living room.
It's either a stretch, or too vague a statement without follow-up or context.
Therefore, it's confusing.


Pulse On The Finger Of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Shit, my wife is Jewish.

She even sleeps in my bed 😱
Some of the best action I've ever had.
Big difference between Jewish people & Zionist Khazarian mafia, that sacrifice the whole planet, and their own people.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
Well sure, I'm just not sure what the statement is actually saying.
One thing in your home, a Jew in your living room.
It's either a stretch, or too vague a statement without follow-up or context.
Therefore, it's confusing.
Is your living room in your home?

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
It might not be cowardice Doug. He probably knows a lot of Jews and realized they're on all sides of every issue.

You know, just like regular folks ;)
I agree 100%, it's not all jews, but it's almost always a jew. I grew up with and have a bunch of jewish friends. Same thing with black folks. Stereotypes exist for a reason.



el rey del mambo
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I agree 100%, it's not all jews, but it's almost always a jew. I grew up with and have a bunch of jewish friends. Same thing with black folks. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Ever see the documentary Hollywoodism Doug? It was produced by Jewish film critic Neal Gabler back in the nineties I believe, adapted from his book . This might be the edited version as the full version is hard to find and might not actually exist anymore. This was intended as a brag by Gabler about the accomplishments of his people and of course drew hysterical condemnation from media for it's 'stereotypes.' So much taboo stuff is covered in a nonchalant, matter-of-fact way here that my jaw was on the floor watching it on CBC tv here in Canada back in the day.
