Society Malaysian woman savagely attacked - by otters???

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Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019
Hey, you know how otters are super lovable creatures, and do really cute things like holding hands while they sleep?

Well, appearances can be deceiving!

A Malaysian woman out jogging was attacked by a vicious group of otters, and was hospitalised after being bitten repeatedly.



Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
People think cute animals are like a disney movie, no you moran they are wild animals with teeth and claws


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
Earlier this year fishing the Mississippi river I went down into this slough and encountered some otters. The one sat there telescoped eye fucking me the entire time and after 10 minutes and no bites I decided to leave. He never took his eyes off me. I kept my distance and was talking to him and I think he was just establishing a boundary, but I have zero doubt he would have eaten my asshole like a bowl of dog food given the need to.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Otters are bastards, I have remained firm in my position on this.

Maybe she should keep her clam cleaner though, probably wouldn't have happened.


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
Earlier this year fishing the Mississippi river I went down into this slough and encountered some otters. The one sat there telescoped eye fucking me the entire time and after 10 minutes and no bites I decided to leave. He never took his eyes off me. I kept my distance and was talking to him and I think he was just establishing a boundary, but I have zero doubt he would have eaten my asshole like a bowl of dog food given the need to.
Smart move buddy, remember the guy that died after trying to take a picture with a beaver, good thing you didn't try and get to close to take a selfie.