General Emoji ideas/requests

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First 100
Jan 15, 2015
We need a more international gay emoji.

I had no idea who's face that was, I've never seen Don Lemon before.

If it's going to be a pic of a real person, maybe Elton John?
I tried Richard Simmons, but all the faces get hard to recognize at that size. Is Richard Simmons international?

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
No two word emoji names, one word
It is too descriptive and limits the usage
Creative usage is key to emoji, don't ever ever pin emojis in with too many words, ever

100 = 100%
Eye Roll = ?(One word)
Eggplant = Eggplant(we know)
Ur High = High
Ur Drunk = Drunk
Brainwashed Normie = ?(can only have one word here)
Crazed Liberal(redundant) = Liberal


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
No two word emoji names, one word
It is too descriptive and limits the usage
Creative usage is key to emoji, don't ever ever pin emojis in with too many words, ever

100 = 100%
Eye Roll = ?(One word)
Eggplant = Eggplant(we know)
Ur High = High
Ur Drunk = Drunk
Brainwashed Normie = ?(can only have one word here)
Crazed Liberal(redundant) = Liberal
I can do this.