General Witnessed a driving type crime offence today!

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Active Member
Aug 14, 2024
i WAS pickingup dog shit (my dog just did that shit) and there was a huge bang!

Then this car drove past me and stopped. Teh passenger was arguing with the driver about how badly damaged said motor was! One side of the car was badly dented in, so the passenger really struggled to even open the door to get out!

I spoke to the guy who got out for like two seconds before continuing the dog walk.

Slightly down the road there was some upset people on teh hone to the feds about there parked car being hit! I spoke to them and to my surprise their car was only scratched, where this other car I just witnessed like was very badly damaged on one side! Someone else said the driver was off their tits!

Strange as this was early afternoon and outside a nursery of all places.


Active Member
Aug 14, 2024
Next time, i might rob a car with some stupid family's smiley face wiped off them! Only live round teh corner and these mupets smile!