Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson

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Not A Lurker
Aug 13, 2024
Skill-wise I think Tyson even at 50 (or less) would have destroyed Jake Paul. Age is a bitch. I actually thought Tyson would win a few months ago just due to skill level, I've changed my opinion. Age is undefeated. The recent injury excuse kind of sealed it for me.

Bungee up

Active Member
Jun 25, 2022
I'd bet on Tyson if it was s 2 round fight.
Paul will probably use a clinch strategy like Roy Jones jr and just get him tired.
He'll probably get the finnish. Maybe even early because Tyson will be fighting to last the distance and have a whole different approach than he would if it was a 2-3 round fight or a street fight.
If Tyson went balls out I don't think Paul would be able to deal with him. If it was 3 rounds Tyson might not get the finnish but he'd definitely win all 3 rounds.

marvin eats men

Active Member
Aug 23, 2024
Mike hasn't been in a real professional boxing match in nearly twenty years.

It'd be great if he knocked Jake's head off his shoulders but I think it's more likely that Jake gets the finish within four rounds.
Oct 28, 2022
Mike is obviously in good shape for his age, but my concern is his ability to take punches to the head at almost 60. It would be great if he won, but I’m just hoping he comes out healthy. He’s the same age as Holyfield was when he fought Belfort. Belfort was such a piece of shit for that fight. I hope Jake shows more class in the fight if he can tell Mike shouldn’t be in there early.

Uncle Tom Doug

Official TMMAC Racist
Jun 24, 2022
Will it happen?

Ken Shamrocks opinion:

View: https://youtu.be/MD_lZpb9WBI?feature=shared&t=310

I actually agree with him. It's a lose-lose for Jake Paul. You're basically fighting a senior citizen, you win you beat up an old guy, you lose you got beat up by an old guy.
Shamrock looks and sounds like an old retarded lesbian that chain smokes.