General Sheriff Pitts Trooper In Pursuit

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Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
Will be interesting to see the deputies video, hard to tell exactly what happened. If I had to guess the deputy had tunnel vision on the back of the Troopers cruiser and wasn't expecting crossing back over from the off ramp and smacked his left rear. Did look like the Trooper also took that ditch at the wrong angle though.

FHP pitting an unmarked



Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
Will be interesting to see the deputies video, hard to tell exactly what happened. If I had to guess the deputy had tunnel vision on the back of the Troopers cruiser and wasn't expecting crossing back over from the off ramp and smacked his left rear. Did look like the Trooper also took that ditch at the wrong angle though.

FHP pitting an unmarked

That one's hilarious. Dude went from feeling like such a boss to such a waste in record time. The news guy was right, no lights while pursuing? What kinda knuckleheads getting hired up there?


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
That one's hilarious. Dude went from feeling like such a boss to such a waste in record time. The news guy was right, no lights while pursuing? What kinda knuckleheads getting hired up there?
Unmarked sometime have only front lights which you can see after he was spun out which is fucking dumb, the FHP was totally in the right there imo. He didn't even turn them on till after he was pitted but it wouldn't have made a difference, would have been very hard to see.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
Ah, gotcha. Any reason the unmarked wasn't on the radio?

Also, the guy who hit him sounds mexiCANT.

Edit: just watched full video. Looks like we skated by that juan, fortunately.


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
Ah, gotcha. Any reason the unmarked wasn't on the radio?
Could be a lot of reasons, different channels, dispatch system, sometimes there are no radios in unmarked and they just have a portable radio.

I can tell you certainly here at least municipal do not have access to the State Police radio traffic but we can monitor theirs.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
Yeah, I saw they were from different departments and the task force basically blew off everyone after no wrong doings were found. That was interesting, thanks for posting.


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
Wildlife Officers have the highest incidence of assault. You're always alone and far from backup, if you even have comms. In my experience they get more room to operate due to this.

Alone for a long 5 minutes isn't the same as completely alone for hours.
I did shit as a Ranger you definitely couldn't have gotten away with. I used my suspect as a human shield as his 40 cousins tried to pummel me, for example lol.


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
Wildlife Officers have the highest incidence of assault. You're always alone and far from backup, if you even have comms. In my experience they get more room to operate due to this.

Alone for a long 5 minutes isn't the same as completely alone for hours.
I did shit as a Ranger you definitely couldn't have gotten away with. I used my suspect as a human shield as his 40 cousins tried to pummel me, for example lol.
You want to hear something crazy, our Forest Rangers never carried firearms here even though they fell under public safety. Until about 4 years ago. A female ranger was in the woods and came across two guys sitting in a car in the northern Maine woods. They had nation wide warrants for murder out of texas. Luckily it didn't slide south for her.

Within 3 months every ranger had to qualify and were issued firearms. My buddy who is a firearms instructor certified a lot of them, said they were probably the best shooters he has ever qualified.